
Search "user:alsoran"

71 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 1107 rated puzzle#2

Rated way too low indeed. Should be at least 1800 or something.

Community Blog Discussions - 2023 Online Women's Chess: Year-in-Review#4

This blog may well be just a copy of an article on Quote: "Now with the acquisition merging and chess24, all of the top online chess tournaments are under one roof." How about Lic…

Lichess Feedback - Different elo showed on account#5

Indeed there seems to be a gap of more than 70 rating points between your last blitz game and the one before last. Getting a refund because of losing to a cheater could be an explanation, but probably…

Lichess Feedback - Why do some puzzles end prematurely?#5

I agree, 28. Qg3 Qh6! could and should have been part of the puzzle.

Lichess Feedback - Kommunikation#3

You may have to click twice to resign, depending on your preferences settings.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request- Leaderboard for tournament points#16

A very good and extensive leaderboard already exists for all Lichess tournament results, with points, trophies, events and more for all variants. However it is not part of Lichess: https://lichess.thi…

Lichess Feedback - The Activity in my day is not the same timezone as me#3

For Lichess games, a day starts at 0:00 UTC (World time). Just check the difference between your local time and UTC to see when your games will be saved with a new date.…

Lichess Feedback - Are daily puzzles and lichess puzzles sometimes stupid?#4

Too many puzzles seem to have this flaw. I think it's because these puzzles are generated solely by computers. When choosing the best move for the defending side, the engine does not distinguish betwe…

Game analysis - What a game!#16

Here's a recent mate in 5 by me in a hyperbullet tournament:

Lichess Feedback - Study description 3 dots#6

The full text will be displayed below the chessboard in the Comments tab.
