
Black Lives Matter

@Chillkroete77 So the republicans, who are for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of ideas, and a smaller weaker government, are fascists?

Maybe you should look up the definition of fascism, and also maybe a couple examples of fascist governments which embodied the exact opposite policies.
@I------------------I Yes. The Republicans are for non of these things, they only pretend to be. If politicians actually did what they pretend to want, the world would be a much better place.
@Chillkroete77 "You'll get extra points if you guess correctly why Germany would ban symbols promoting the superiority of one race." Thank you, you just proved my point. I guess, since "White pride" "promotes superiority of the white race", then definitely "black pride", "black power" and "Black Lives Matter" all promote the superiority of the black race, and therefore should also be forbidden in Germany and fought against in the US for being racist. And the post in this very website promoting the former is a clear sign of anti-white politics, as previously stated by me. I am glad we agree on this.
@I------------------I The fact that you think there is a definition of fascism actually beautifully demonstrates your ignorance. There is no definition of fascism. The only certain thing you can say about it is that it is an ideology. There is an entire field called Faschismustheorie (theory of fascism, there isn't really an english expression) where historians and political scientists try to determine how to best characterize fascism.
@Chillkroete77 Why don't you source it for me? Is the double standard because I'm white? Do you get a pass because you're one of the good ones?
You have nothing to say in good faith on the matter. You're a rape apologist. That's called an insult. Normal people don't ask for citations when they're called nasty names, and that's the sole purpose for me bringing it up. Unbelievable. What do you think is gonna happen? I'm going to post a news story and you're going to put a bigot spin on it. We already know how this plays out, don't be a dumbo. I'm here to repeatedly call you a rape apologist, rape apologist. You have everything you need to get started. I referred to an incident, give your bigot perspective. Put it on display so people with a heart can decide whether you're the cause
@Bob-Bobson If BLM actually was promoting the idea that black people are superior to white people, the comparison could work. BLM doesn't and the comparison is sh*t.

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