
Black Lives Matter

@Chillkroete77 Not fascism itself, but the way fascism has been exercised it falls under far-left ideologies on the left-right scale based off of government power. You are looking at the modern European look at the right-left scale which is complicated and deals with what is against what.
@Chillkroete77 Also calling someone an idiot just because they are acting like someone is kind of like what the whole BLM movement is supposed to be against. It's called discrimination, treating something differently because of its distinction from the rest. Believe it or not, those who are less smart, still our humans and should be treated as such, just like the movement suggests.
Fascism has never been exercised under far left ideologies because fascism and leftism are incompatible. Stalin and Mao were brutal dictators but not fascists. And if anyone is going to start a “The nazis were leftists“ argument, that person can f*ck right off.
@RKasaurus_Rex If someone is pretending to be an idiot, I'm going to call him that. I'm not discriminating someone being purposefully obtuse by calling him an idiot.

I am not a moderator, but imho calling someone an "idiot" is NEVER justified on a public platform.

Please contribute to a civilized exchange of ideas between civilized people.

As you know, Lichess has a very clear policy against offensive or insulting posts, and they do take action against this quite often.
@RKasaurus_Rex Actually you can argue the data. People with high iq's are more likely to be wealthy and more likely to have high iq children. High iq people from impoverished backgrounds do just fine. This is what the data shows. The freak you are speaking with is an intersectionalist, meaning his purpose in bringing up poverty is to blame white people. Peoples poverty intersects with the Systemic Oppression, ie Whitey is rich because his ancestors stole it, therefore Whitey continues to be rich. When a freak speaks on any subject he is to be deconstructed and put down, because the subject he is discussing intersects with his bigotry. It permeates every thought they have
This is most definitely a political issue—BLM is a political movement which seeks to defund the police and eliminate police violence through radical change. Lichess ought not to make their stance come across as nonpartisan and guilt those who disagree with its principles, for it is not merely a matter of a global "fight for equality."

As with any other website, Lichess is, of course, within their rights to advertise for a political cause; however, the way it's been presented is completely disingenuous. By virtue of having advertised for both BLM as well as Greta's climate change campaign in 2019, it's rather clear that Lichess fully intends on supporting various political movements.
@Byrgen IQ is a useless measurement and the data you mention doesn't actually exist. But you're a lying troll who doesn't have any sources, so no surprises there...

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