
Help me teach people how/when to resign!!!


Sure, that's what I'm saying. But you can't forbid them to do so.

Some are just stubborn, others casual and hoping for tricks.

Seems a little odd to only keep on playing as long as your doing well and winning. But I think it’s only in chess that quitting is looked upon favorably when your losing. I’m a newb to chess, but As long as I’m still learning something from every game, I like to think that it’s not over til the clock says it’s over…or I’m mated.
If your own time is so worthless to you, then on what grounds do you object to people not resigning? Why do they need to be punished? It makes no sense.
Tarrasch resign is means nothing

you need learn to be patient
your opponent test you

You play mainly blitz (fast mindless) games does an extra minute hurt your small Brain.
I play on when down. May resign after lost all my major pieces and down a couple. Practicing playing from behind is good for me. I trade out when ahead and have to adjust strategy when behind. At my skill level, a blunder is common on either side. Got to admit am sometimes relieved when my opponent finally mates me. Let me apologize in advance for wasting anyone's time.
@MrGood8 I play mostly rapid. You've played exactly 1 game on this site it disgusts me that you think you are qualified to type
@Makropoulos weird response but ok. If you really want to stick to your guns then you can't in any way complain about bad behaviour in the community because you should have other worries and it doesn't really matter.

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