
STOP cheating!

This Morning AGAIN
I got extra points

What IS wrong with you people WHO use computers
You know, this isn't a bug. And nobody is cheating. Ratings aren't numbers. They are decimals. This is why you got an extra point. You're rapid and blitz ratings are 1995.72 and 1853.68 respectively.
@Hannut said in #1:
> This Morning AGAIN
> I got extra points
> What IS wrong with you people WHO use computers

Ya the last game you played you lost 1 rating now but you are still 1995( rated in rapid) and your opponent is violated.
There is too much cheating in online chess. Most play fair. But I would say that around 20% is cheating regularly (not in every game, but in many games, especially after they have lost games). This is too much and is devastating for online chess experience. I have played chess active for about 35 years. I have experience enough to tell when people start to cheat. People cheat in sophisticated ways, For instance they play standard opening moves. Then start trying to play fair. But often times when I get an extra piece or large advantage, they pause and then start to play like a machine and crushing me. When they are in total winning position they start to play with human errors again. Lichess dont catch those guys. Others play standard openingings, then start cheating, get a easy winning position, and then finish it with human effort, whereby they dont get caught. Others play fair until they get in time trouble, and there they switch on an automatic program that execute the rest of the moves for them. This is for me, with 35 years of active chess-game experience easy to spot. Very many kids is playing chess online, and it is them that for the most part cheats. For those kids it is not cheating, it is like turning on a cheat code that is commonly used in other computer games in their world.
@Psyamb said in #5:
> @Hannut
> There is too much cheating in online chess. Most play fair. But I would say that around 20% is cheating regularly (not in every game, but in many games, especially after they have lost games). This is too much and is devastating for online chess experience. I have played chess active for about 35 years. I have experience enough to tell when people start to cheat. People cheat in sophisticated ways, For instance they play standard opening moves. Then start trying to play fair. But often times when I get an extra piece or large advantage, they pause and then start to play like a machine and crushing me. When they are in total winning position they start to play with human errors again. Lichess dont catch those guys. Others play standard openingings, then start cheating, get a easy winning position, and then finish it with human effort, whereby they dont get caught. Others play fair until they get in time trouble, and there they switch on an automatic program that execute the rest of the moves for them. This is for me, with 35 years of active chess-game experience easy to spot. Very many kids is playing chess online, and it is them that for the most part cheats. For those kids it is not cheating, it is like turning on a cheat code that is commonly used in other computer games in their world.

Sure but 20% is far too high. I do not believe in so many cheaters. In rated rapid games I have currently 874 wins 72 draws and 101 lost games for example. The majority of losses were regular as far as I can tell. Someone who is barely above 50% winrate tends to believe in too many cheaters.
@mrbasso Your wrong, your living in your own elevated, delusional ego, caused by your feeling of beeing that strong in chess whereby you feel entiteled a superior position that everyone have to admire and listen to (a narcissistic bastard basically, your are blind for what the reality is amongst most normal rated players

Several anonomized surveys have shown a cheating rate amongst online-players between 15%-25% from all kinds of ratings (that obviously is not representative for players as strong as you are). Here is one survey from players at and Lichess:

Result from 631 random players:
Question 1: During the last 12 months, have you cheated in online chess by using computer assistance? 15,7 % answered yes.
Question 2: Have you ever cheated in online chess games once or more by using computer assistance? 23,1 % answered yes.
@mrbasso Your wrong, your living in your own elevated, delusional ego, caused by your feeling of beeing that strong in chess whereby you feel entiteled a superior position that everyone have to admire and listen to (a narcissistic bastard basically, your are blind for what the reality is amongst most normal rated players

Several anonomized surveys have shown a cheating rate amongst online-players between 15%-25% from all kinds of ratings (that obviously is not representative for players as strong as you are). Here is one survey from players at and Lichess:

Result from 631 random players:
Question 1: During the last 12 months, have you cheated in online chess by using computer assistance? 15,7 % answered yes.
Question 2: Have you ever cheated in online chess games once or more by using computer assistance? 23,1 % answered yes.
I feel like I get a notification about having lost to a cheater once every 100 games. This does not seem excessively high.
I have a low average opposition in rapid of 1864. So I DID played often against "normal rated players".

Your questionable survey surely does not proof such a high cheater rate. I do not believe it was representative. I also do not believe in the seriosity of the participants. Some of them might have not told the truth.

Why would someone admit cheating in online chess anyway, even if there is no fear to be banned for it?

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