
STOP cheating!

Cheating in online chess is like improving your personal fitness by hacking your performance record.
@Psyamb said in #5:
>Very many kids is playing chess online, and it is them that for the most part cheats. For those kids it is not cheating, it is like >turning on a cheat code that is commonly used in other computer games in their world.
Excuse me?
Click on my profile.
@Psyamb said in #5:... they switch on an automatic program that execute the rest of the moves for them.

Where do such programs exist? Is there a commercial program that can do that, or is it something people who know how to code make on their own?
I have played almost 3000 games and have never gotten any points refunded....
I saw a poll on youtube with something like 20k responses to "Have you ever cheated in online chess?" and "Yes" was about 17%. I think a good way to kind of avoid cheaters is always look at their games/join date/behavior or chat before the game or during and also don't give rms unless you know they are legit. A lot of cheaters have ego issues and will cheat if you beat them or just want to 10-0 you or something. Also, I agree with an earlier post about how hard it is to tell. I recently got refunded and looked at the game and it was a blunderfest. I think he cheated in other games but it is really hard to tell sometimes.... hopefully that erwin thing lichess uses keeps improving.
@Hannut said in #1:
> This Morning AGAIN
> I got extra points
> What IS wrong with you people WHO use computers
its just how the world works sadly, there are those who gain power through hard work and those who cheat

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