
Why do so many people hate Donald Trump?

@bfchessguy said in #38:
> So we switch from far to lean significantly?

Musk who isn't even a right winger by any means called the Guardian a "far left propaganda machine"
I don't even think they are propaganda per se - they do believe this stuff and think they are doing journalism. But their assumptions are fully far left and hence it is hard for them to do any real journalism given where they started.
@spectrox75 said in #35:
> I am saying good luck finding a single thing that Trump said that compares to just ONE of the things Biden said.
> Also I didn't cherry pick it - all I did was put "racist things Joe Biden said" in youtube and this was the first thing I got. If I wanted to cherry pick I would have looked for a conservative one but this was more than enough.
> However ,... Trump does have a very good record of awards for someone you claim is racist.

So when you're looking to straight facts you're going for Youtube, $up35105 t313gr@m ? lmao
How does he do th@bfchessguy said in #42:
> So when you're looking to straight facts you're going for Youtube, $up35105 t313gr@m ? lmao

err when it is video yes I am looking at youtube
Unless you think those are "deep fakes" except they aren't because at least some of them I happened to have seen at the time.

Where else do you go to get video clips?

I have news for you there is no way to take "If you don't vote for me you ain't black" out of context.

Also, if you have a correction for that simple statement of the times Trump was given awards for helping minorities and other groups please do so and I will happily stand corrected.
@Sarg0n said in #40:
> He puts his Ego above the US. Only idiots don’t understand.

What exactly was bad about his policies?
I think Obama put his ego above the US, I think Biden does too. Regardless I only have their policies to opine on.
Here in my region close to Ramstein one meets lots of military members who are well known for their sympathy for trump.
@leboncatalan said in #46:
> Simply. He doesn't know how to play chess

I agree that's bad but he does know 4d chess which makes up for it @leboncatalan said in #46:
> Simply. He doesn't know how to play chess

Good one:)
I've no idea if he does or not. It doesn't matter much
If being good at chess was the thing that defined politics then GMs should all be in charge ... not sure that would work out very well given their propensity for violence on the chessboard:)
@Sarg0n said in #45:
> Here in my region close to Ramstein one meets lots of military members who are well known for their sympathy for trump.

I only lived in Germany for a year or so but I do know a lot of the US military do like Trump although I only know a few of them not being American.

although you have to admit he was right about Russia and Germany...

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