
Why do so many people hate Donald Trump?

@spectrox75 said in #69:
> As for the protestors at the SCOTUS hearings. Please show me just one who got jail lets say for 5 years

If you're being so civil why are you showing so much disrespect by constantly moving the goal posts?

Trump can disavow all he wants but he gets his real power by dog whistling in the next sentence. He "disavows" with a wink. If you don't see that then revamp those critical thinking skills and start questioning the motivations of the people paying you.

Kleptocrats don't care about the pawns.
@spidersneedlovetoo said in #71:
> If you're being so civil why are you showing so much disrespect by constantly moving the goal posts?
> Trump can disavow all he wants but he gets his real power by dog whistling in the next sentence. He "disavows" with a wink. If you don't see that then revamp those critical thinking skills and start questioning the motivations of the people paying you.
> Kleptocrats don't care about the pawns.

I have not moved the goalposts.
I was answering to people on the thread
You claimed to have proof of Trump's racism

Give the quote

That's all you need to do.

Now I am going to teach you some mathematics here:
If there exists no null hypothesis for something then you cannot apply any mathematical analysis to the truth claim.

So for example if Trump cannot ever convince you he is disavowing white supremacists because of the "dog whistle' you claim, then you have just assumed your position and hence there is no argument to be made. You just have an axiom that Trump is racist.

If you think I can ever be paid for by any politician then you are indeed delusional and I feel very sorry for you.
Only one man has paid for me and He is the Lord Jesus Christ - He is also God.
I will pray for you.

I have given you 3 or 4 chances to quote Trump's racist remarks on a post. Not hide behind articles talking about people who have said that Trump said something racist. It should be very easy if you have the receipts as he is one of the most filmed and quoted people over the last 50 years.

Please do so or apologize for lying.

"Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — "

"In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”"

"Trump has been repeatedly slow to condemn white supremacists who endorse him, and he regularly retweeted messages from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his presidential campaign."

"Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline."

"Trump reportedly said in 2017 that people who came to the US from Haiti “all have AIDS,” and he lamented that people who came to the US from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” once they saw America. The White House denied that Trump ever made these comments."

"Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He then reportedly suggested that the US should take more people from countries like Norway. The implication: Immigrants from predominantly white countries are good, while immigrants from predominantly Black countries are bad.

Trump denied making the “shithole” comments, although some senators present at the meeting said they happened. The White House, meanwhile, suggested that the comments, like Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests, will play well to his base. The only connection between Trump’s remarks about the NFL protests and his “shithole” comments is race."

"Trump suggested that Kamala Harris, who’s Black and South Asian, “doesn’t meet the requirements” to be former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate — yet another example of birtherism."

"This list is not comprehensive, instead relying on some of the major examples since Trump announced his candidacy. But once again, there’s a pattern of racism and bigotry here that suggests Trump isn’t just misspeaking; it is who he is."
@spidersneedlovetoo said in #74:

So you have ONE quote from 1993 that sounds racist except during this time he says "no one cares more about the Indians than Donald Trump" He was arguing at the time that the mob was taking over American Indian casinos.

Everything else you include is either not racist or simply hearsay that he denies and is mostly denied by everyone actually alleged to have been there.

This is the problem - I gave you three direct quotes and I am more than happy to add context because it doesn't change it one bit. You have given me something from 30 years ago and taking it out of context.

I knew you would not provide quotes because there aren't any. If there were the press would have done it years ago instead of writing articles where someone claims that something he said was racist or taking hearsay.
@spidersneedlovetoo said in #74:

You have to be kidding me right? I'm not going to type you an essay, but my god you are deranged.

A woman falsely claiming to be native is somehow a victim? LMAO

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