
The Pyramids question...

@Msharaj said in #50:
> @Akbar2thegreat
> You are being religious over here.
No, I am not. It's case with every religion:
Lord Mahavira: 6ft
Lord Buddha: 6ft
Guru Nanak: 7 ft
Lord Poseidon: 60 ft
Lord Zeus: 6ft 7 in
Godess Horus: 11ft 6 in
Lord Osiris: 15 ft 3 in
Goddess Isis: 19ft 5 in
David: 6ft 9 in and Goliath: 7ft 10 in
#51: Osiris, Isis, Horus, Zeus, and Poseidon were never actually measured. Plus, they were shapeshifters-- which kinda puts the whole kibosh on using them as evidence.

David was almost certainly not as tall as Larry Bird.

Goliath was an obvious statistical outlier-- otherwise, the Ibrahimic religions wouldn't have made such a big fuss about how gosh-darn big Goliath was.

Telling everyone that Hindu faith-based concepts are universally accepted and backed by scientific evidence is going to be a tough sell, especially on a chess website. My advice is to avoid conflating faith with facts.
@boilingFrog said in #48:
> And, was the Collossus of Rhodes a life-sized portrayal ?
> I mean, it would explain a lot of things ... like the pyramids for instance ...

Possibly they first stood a huge monolith up in place, he struck his pose, and the stone masons drew around him, then carved in the details at a later date for the convenience of all concerned. :D JK lol.
That doesn't matter. I verified values from holy books of all religions.
And it is actually true that people of previous life cycles had greater height (and weight).
It's not just to Hinduism but to everyone.
Also, not literally everyone to all those mythological characters who had super power. Those who hadn't any power and lived like human like Jesus had height same like modern man.
You may argue about few but I saw several others and decided not to spam here. Greek, Egyptian, and others I have talked about. I can separately share you data. You can't deny historical facts.

Using my good friend Google, I tried to locate which sources would have yielded the physical measurements you provided. After all, groundbreaking research that verifies the existence of ancient deities should be fairly easy to locate.

Before we proceed, I would like to emphasize some important notes:
1. It should be noted that "This holy text states ______ was x feet tall. This proves from a scientific standpoint that _______ was x feet tall" is obviously not a scientific way of thinking. If you want to prove your point, you need to use archaeological evidence. Or you could take my advice and rely on faith. If you take the second route, though, you should realize that convincing others will require reliance on the esoteric aspects of your beliefs, rather than on scientific evidence. Such is religion.
2. Using statistical outliers from one sample, comparing them with the statistical mean of a different sample, and drawing conclusions upon this comparison is not an effective way of analyzing data-- it borders on flat-out dishonesty.

With this in mind, behold the holy books of all religions!
Zeus' 6'7'' height comes from Marvel Comics (

Horus'* 11.5 foot height comes from a Warhammer 40k novel

Poseidon's 60' height comes from Sauroposeidena sauropod discovered in Texas (

Meghnath's 110 ft height comes from a statue in his image:

Osiris' height comes from a 2014 book about Egyptian Myths published by Garry Shaw

Isis' height-- well, I can't find that one out. Unfortunately, there are no Egyptian sacred texts that describe Isis' height, but the first result that popped up when I googled "goddess isis height" was a 19.5 cm statue being sold on the internet. I didn't think much of it until I noticed that the number 19 and 5 appear in your post as well. Perhaps it's a "number 23"-style coincidence?

When I researched David's height, most of the sources I found described him as being between 5 and 6 feet. The lower bound for GOLIATH seems to be 6'9" however.

If you have any scientific evidence to prove the existence of ANY Greek, Egyptian, or Hindu god, I advise you to publish it ASAP, lest you lose your opportunity for a Nobel Prize.

*Horus was a dude, FYI
@clousems #56 Sometimes i think you were born special gifted, by having too much free time. :-D

How tall was Sisyphus?
Was he a giant? If he was, perhaps @boilingFrog was right.
Perhaps Sisyphus eventually figured out how to move the big boulder up a hill, and decided to build the pyramids afterwards, just to spite the Greek gods?
Lol! Random sites showing such values doesn't mean I took it from them. I haven't read holy texts but found the full version and exact details as mentioned in those scriptures. I will definitely share that reliable source soon.
> If you have any scientific evidence to prove the existence of ANY Greek, Egyptian, or Hindu god, I advise you to publish it ASAP, lest you lose your opportunity for a Nobel Prize.
Lol! Religion and science are like chalk and cheese. And you want scientific evidence of religious figure height? You badly need sleep.
And I don't care about awards, I already have bunch of Nobel prizes in my almirah.
I gotta agree with Chuthulu's spawn on this one.
Average human height have increased, since the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas.

Modern humans are in average taller than the giants that built the pyramids.
“ That doesn't matter. I verified values from holy books of all religions.”

“ I haven't read holy texts but found the full version and exact details as mentioned in those scriptures.”

Translation: “I googled and used the first result I could find”
And yes, I am aware that one cannot prove the height of religious figures—which is exactly what I’ve been saying this whole time.
You, meanwhile, have asserted that people from earlier times were taller. You dismissed the response that you were relying on religion, and provided a cornucopia of religious figures as evidence.

Please provide your sources, if my sources were incorrect.

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