
The Pyramids question...

@boilingFrog said in #30:
> Like, for instance, who in the heck were these stairs made for ?

Nice picture of the (high-prestige) agricultural terraces at the Inca town of Ollantaytambo (or some similar place, I'm not quite sure), royal estate of Emperor Pachacuti.

Terrace farming is unavoidable if you want to sustain a large population in a mountainous place like the Peruvian Andes. Conventional farming doesn't work on steep slopes. Terraces are your best option. It also allows for a variety of crops being grown in the different ecological zones depending on altitude.
@boilingFrog said in #32:
> Oh, I'm not so sure about that, matey ...

The steeper the slope, the higher your terrace steps need to be in order to have a decent flat area to work with. That's basic geometry. The Andes have steep slopes. Other places have gentler slopes. Terraces therefore come in different sizes and shapes. Whatever best fits the underlying geography. You won't find terrace farming in the Netherlands or in Kansas. You will find it in mountainous regions of China, Peru, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.

Nice bait :-)
A bigger question is:
How did ancient aliens built those megalithic structures?, when modern aliens only know how to create crop circles?
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #35:
> A bigger question is:
> How did ancient aliens built those megalithic structures?, when modern aliens only know how to create crop circles?

It's amazing what those two guys did overnight in Egypt, just to baffle everyone. JK lol.
@Mrchess78 said in #36:
> It's amazing what those two guys did overnight in Egypt, just to baffle everyone.

Please... Even with their technology, it's a 3 months job at least, with no less than 7 aliens working multiple shifts. But there is another problem with this timeframe.
Only the giants worked outside of the Union on accord, and to my knowledge, they were all killed off during a union strike while building Göbeklitepe.

Besides, it's common knowledge that the Atlantians, had a union embargo against anyone using none human labor.
You try building a pyramid with little gray men, without using Atlantean knowhow.
Those aliens are lazy and incompetent.
Just go see the tower of Babylon... Oh wait, you can't.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #37:
> Please... Even with their technology, it's a 3 months job at least, with no less than 7 aliens working multiple shifts. But there is another problem with this timeframe.
> Only the giants worked outside of the Union on accord, and to my knowledge, they were all killed off during a union strike while building Göbeklitepe.
> Besides, it's common knowledge that the Atlantians, had a union embargo against anyone using none human labor.
> You try building a pyramid with little gray men, without using Atlantean knowhow.
> Those aliens are lazy and incompetent.
> Just go see the tower of Babylon... Oh wait, you can't.

To make matters worse, perhaps there was a cost of living crisis on too! Wages simply weren't keeping up with inflation.
Then someone created a 'Pyramid scheme'.
@boilingFrog said in #30:
> Like, for instance, who in the heck were these stairs made for ?
Actually people of that era were much greater heighted. Heights of human have decreased over eras (yuga).
@Akbar2thegreat said in #39:
> Actually people of that era were much greater heighted. Heights of human have decreased over eras (yuga).
Lol, nice joke!

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