
The Pyramids question...

My theory involves enormous aliens using their off-brand LEGO toys, which just happen to look like giant cement blocks.
I also think aliens made the Cardiff Giant as a false flag.
@clousems said in #41:
> My theory involves enormous aliens using their off-brand LEGO toys, which just happen to look like giant cement blocks.
> I also think aliens made the Cardiff Giant as a false flag.
Pyramids are greatest puzzle of question to modern mankind and you are making a joke of it!
@clousems said in #41:
> My theory involves enormous aliens using their off-brand LEGO toys, which just happen to look like giant cement blocks.
> I also think aliens made the Cardiff Giant as a false flag.

Lucky this happened or it would have deprived alot of people of a great model making product.
The clues were there for us to find. JK lol.
I'm deeply sorry to the Pyramids and all other mysterious stone structures throughout history for any distress I may have caused their proud and noble race. In my ignorance, I forgot that these structures have endured many emotional hardships.
We should all be inspired by the bravery, perseverance, and creativity of those old-ass stone structures, especially considering the intense discrimination they have received of late at the hands of old-ass wooden structures.

Let us all reflect upon how much we owe old-ass rock structures as we listen to their one of their traditional hymns:
So, you have decided to never take anyone seriously and just ignore!
It isn't good at all.
Everything has limit even does joke.
First: Over 1/4 of the posts in this thread have been tongue-in-cheek
I'm reminded of this:

With that out of the way:
Sometimes, my humor is just cheap wordplay.
Typically, though, my jokes are intended to point out folly.
I'm not the wittiest wit around, so it should be pretty obvious when this is the case.
#41 is lampooning the conspiracy theory crowd by taking these theories to the extreme,
in the vein of 20 and 21. Criticize my lack of originality all you want,
but context wasn't

Was an
attempt to
point out the
utter ridiculousness of
the criticism raised in #42 by
comparing it to legitimately controversial
issues (such as discrimination)
The Stonehenge clip was
just too perfect not
to use there.

I'm sure that you have better things to do than criticize me for behaving myself (a rare feat for me). I recommend researching pyramids.

(PS: Yes, I DID use this as an opportunity to build pyramids with text. Get on my level, ancient geniuses! I can make pyramids from my desk!)
@boilingFrog said in #30:
> Like, for instance, who in the heck were these stairs made for ?

One can only imagine how this looked when the bannisters were still there!.
And, was the Collossus of Rhodes a life-sized portrayal ?

I mean, it would explain a lot of things ... like the pyramids for instance ...
@Msharaj said in #40:
> Lol, nice joke!
Not a joke, serious talk!
All mythological historical beings had great height.
Arjuna: 8.5 ft
Duryodhan: 9.2 ft
Lord Raavan: 84 ft
Meghnath: 110 ft
Parshuram (6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu): 594 ft
Lord Hamunan: Infinite (he had power to change his height)

Also, average height of people in yugas:
Krita (Satya): 32 ft
Treta: 21 ft
Dvapara: 12 ft
Kali (present one): 5ft
At end of this yuga, people will have average height of 4 inches.

Also, see:

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