
Hamas is not using human shields as claimed

@WassimBerbar said in #60:
> I never said Papua New Guinea are zionists. I said they abstained their decisions as in the map they're colored in yellow,

They're red on your own map. They voted against the resolution. So I guess you didn't look at your own map.

The countries that votes against the ceasefire are: Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga

So lemme year your lame explanation of why Fiji, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are Zionist?

(I guess you just called them Zionist just as a random insult you threw out and didn't even know who had voted against or why or didn't really reseatch anything but just posted a map withoutt looking at it. But if you have explanaions for your claiim that Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga are Zionist, then please bring it here.)
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #61:
> They're red on your own map. They voted against the resolution. So I guess you didn't look at your own map.
> The countries that votes against the ceasefire are: Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga
Add the USA to that list.

> So lemme year your lame explanation of why Fiji, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are Zionist?
> (I guess you just called them Zionist just as a random insult you threw out and didn't even know who had voted against or why or didn't really reseatch anything but just posted a map withoutt looking at it. But if you have explanaions for your claiim that Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga are Zionist, then please bring it here.)

When I first said those who don't want a ceasefire are zionists because they in other words don't want to stop the genocide. Is it morally right to accept a genocide?

About the map stats, I think now they're fake, it's just based on what majorities say which is wrong. But I maintain my opinion; Those who don't want a ceasefire are evil.
@WassimBerbar said in #62:
> When I first said those who don't want a ceasefire are zionists because they in other words don't want to stop the genocide. Is it morally right to accept a genocide?

I can see you have problems understanding quesitons. I will repeat it 3 times for you so you get a chance to understand what I am asking you:

So you claimed the countries voting aganst are zionist. I am asking you to defend your claim.

So explain how and why Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are ZIonist and document that you are correct. Otherwise I will guess you'ure just making false accusations.

Repetition of question:

So you claimed the countries voting aganst are zionist. I am asking you to defend your claim.

So explain how and why Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are ZIonist and document that you are correct. Otherwise I will guess you'ure just making false accusations.

Second repetition of question:

So you claimed the countries voting aganst are zionist. I am asking you to defend your claim.

So explain how and why Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are Zionist and document that you are correct. Otherwise I will guess you'ure just making false accusations.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #63:
> I can see you have problems understanding quesitons. I will repeat it 3 times for you so you get a chance to understand what I am asking you:
> So you claimed the countries voting aganst are zionist. I am asking you to defend your claim.
> So explain how and why Papua New Guinea and Micronesia are ZIonist and document that you are are correct. Otherwise I will guess you'ure just making false accusations.

I was the first one to ask a question, so please don't completely avoid them like this. This is my first point.

Second I doubt now the stats in that picture are right; For the countries like Papua New Guinea and Micronesia I'm not sure about them, but I am sure a 5 years old understands that killing is bad.

And third I want to tell you with honesty; Your arguing techniques are horrible on public forums. Yes I made a mistake, but don't do as if I made it on purpose to dishonestly convince people into being against genocide. The last times I argued with you specifically are very similar; as if you use already-known facts and missleading insinuations against me to make me look like an idiot or somebody that knows nothing.

Now it's your time to answer my questions: Do you condemn Israel for launching rockets on top of thousands of Palestinian civilians for any reason whatsoever for any objective whatsoever? Do you say it's wrong to be against genocide? Do you want a ceasefire or not? Can you post here the times Israel has shown any kind of kindness while treating hostages?
@WassimBerbar said in #64:
> Yes I made a mistake, but don't do as if I made it on purpose to dishonestly convince people into being against genocide.

You insulted a lot of random countries with a conspiracy theory calling them Zionist. It's seriously not okay AT ALL. It's borderline racist to just insult random countries like that.
@WassimBerbar said in #64:
> I was the first one to ask a question, so please don't completely avoid them like this. This is my first point.

Like for no reason you spead hate aganst Papua New guinea calling them Zionist. Plus the other countries.

Then you're all surprised "Oh wait he does not like it when I spread hate? Y you don't like my hate?"
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #66:
> Like for no reason you spead hate aganst Papua New guinea calling them Zionist. Plus the other countries.
> Then you're all surprised "Oh wait he does not like it when I spread hate? Y you don't like my hate?"
I never said word to word "Papua New Guinea are zionists". Tell me one instance I said that.

Do I spread hate when I'm against a genocide?
@WassimBerbar said in #67:
> I never said word to word "Papua New Guinea are zionists". Tell me one instance I said that.

You really need it explained AGAIN ?

14 countries voted against the ceasefire. One of them are Papua new Guinea.

You called those 14 countries Zionist, Without even knowing who they were I guess.

> Do I spread hate when I'm against a genocide?

My god, are we slow to day! You're replying to a post where you quote this

> for no reason you spead hate aganst Papua New guinea calling them Zionist

Like you're quoting what I say and you still manage to not understand it!

No you spread hate because you accuse random countries of being Zionist.
Actually many of the countries that voted for the resolution are Zionist. Zionism is the belief that Israel has a right to exist. So unless you support the complete genocide of all Jews in the middle east you are a Zionist. Zionist is not an insulting term (unless you are a Nazi or terrorist)
@ed01106 said in #69:
> Actually many of the countries that voted for the resolution are Zionist.
> Zionism is the belief that Israel has a right to exist.
Israel has the right to exist, but not as a genocidal state. You cannot claim a land because you kill thousands of Palestinians to get it only for yourself.

> So unless you support the complete genocide of all Jews in the middle east you are a Zionist. Zionist is not an insulting term (unless you are a Nazi or terrorist)
What if you support the complete genocide of all Palestinians in the middle east that already had their land before the Jews came in, what are you?

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