
Hamas is not using human shields as claimed

israel tried using the human shields argument in 2014

And got caught lying

It also uses old videos

Images posted by the IDF can be quickly disproven by quick satellite imagery

Does this remind you of something
As of now there are no proofs that the schools, churches mosques and hospitals had hamas in them aside from idf claims and they have a history of lying about these topics
the truth is probably in the middle. human shields are a better excuse/lie than collateral damage. but its also very plausible, that in esp. in asymmetric wars you would apply such tactics as human shields. also gaza is quite small and very populated, so, it would be hard to separate into military and civilian areas.

there is also a discussion, if only the military arm of hamas is terrorgroup, or whole hamas. if someone defines whole hamas as terrorgroup, then it would include what otherwise would be civilians, like political office spaces and health ministry / hospitals.
Amnesty = totally not reliable. They'll lie straight to your face if they feel like it.

They were a good org back in the 1980ies or whenever but today sadly they're a bunch of liars. I know this because they tried to shut down a radio show in my country based on a slew of their lies.

(I'm not saying IDF isn't lying, they probably are. I just want to warn against Amnesty. Many people think they're honest because they did good things 30 years today, but today they're totally unreliable.)

Hamas has been using and lying about using human shields their entire existence.

That doesn’t mean that occasionally Israel gets a tip that a civilian center is being used for terrorist operations and it turns out to be bad intelligence. An unfortunate but natural consequence of Hamas using civilian infrastructure.

If what you claim about Hamas not hiding among civilians was true, that would mean they have clearly distinguishable military bases. Do they?
@ed01106 with all respect I do to you
On what planet would a military reveal its bases locations
@Raspberry_yoghurt I had other resources though aside from it but I would love to hear more about the story of that radio If you can share it with me
@mortmann they stated that they do not care about accuracy but about damage and in a heavy populated small place it is just like saying they will bomb everything
@ed01106 There is no international law that requires countries to reveal the location of their military bases.
If a country does it, it has its own reasons
And let me ask you
Do you think these bases list has all the bases ? Including nuclear weapons storage locations?
And you sited few countries that do
What about the ones that don't

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