
Flat Earth

@andreijl that is not proof because christianity hasn't been really proved. tell me what shows that you know christianity is ttrue
@thekid456 So you got these 4 guys with 4 different opinions, and the short question is: who's right? One says God is real, one says he's not.. one guy thinks God is a woman.. could be I guess. The only way to know for sure is if God revealed himself/herself. You want to prove it.. look for that. Christians claim that God did that through a book called the Bible. I guess you should start there if you are super curious. <-- maybe the best answer you ever get on a forum. Keep it real ;)
the bible is just a book... it proves nothing, some guy just wrote it
in the ancient times...
Everyone is entitled to their own faith (or lack of faith). For Christians, the Bible details events that happened in ancient times. At the end of the day, we should respect everyone's faith and probably shouldn't have a discussion about it in a forum about the flatness of the Earth :)
My point is that the bible has nothing to do with flat earth, not disproving anything lol

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