
critical mass of metal music knowledge here

(I really wanted to use critical mass in a forum title). My knowledge of music has grown here due to @clousems @sarg0n and...

Who else listens to metal?
Counting up how many countries of metal music I listen.

U.S. many!!
U.K. many!!
Sweden - Yngwie Malmsteen
Japan - Band-Maid
Canada - Rush, Triumph
Brazil - Sepultura

Thats not many, some of you can do much better.
FWIW, I wholeheartedly believe that more songs need to be written about relatable things, like battling villages of Satan-worshippers.
i listen to metal when I feel really sad so I have minimal knowledge of metal, but I'm open to any recommendations.
@clousems said in #5:
> FWIW, I wholeheartedly believe that more songs need to be written about relatable things, like battling villages of Satan-worshippers.

I was entertained by War of the Ring that you posted earlier this week.

Their singer exemplified for me a meager talent added to great personal confidence, which works.
I actually don't usually listen to the original version-- I have the Roxxcalibur cover on a CD.

If you aren't familiar with Roxxcalibur, that's a fun little rabbit-hole of metal.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> (I really wanted to use critical mass in a forum title). My knowledge of music has grown here due to @clousems @sarg0n and...
> Who else listens to metal?

I do. I like melodeath. Heaven Shall Burn is good, and I recently discovered Parasite Inc. which is also really good.

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