
chess doesn't make you smart

it actually makes you dumber ig

chess has nothing to do with intelligence and won't increase your iq. the only good it can do is make you good at chess. people like magnus carlsen aren't smart because they play chess, they are just god gifted. You just don't need some genius iq to be a grandmaster. all of this chess and intelligence is a myth, the reason why people equate it with intelligence is probably because of the history or the culture around it. just like how video games are viewed so negatively in the society. but the reality is they can improve your brain,cognitive%20abilities%20that%20society%20values

so if you play chess for fun, fine but if you play it thinking it's going to improve your cognitive abilities sorry for u
@xDanz said in #1:
> it actually makes you dumber ig
> chess has nothing to do with intelligence and won't increase your iq. the only good it can do is make you good at chess. people like magnus carlsen aren't smart because they play chess, they are just god gifted. You just don't need some genius iq to be a grandmaster. all of this chess and intelligence is a myth, the reason why people equate it with intelligence is probably because of the history or the culture around it. just like how video games are viewed so negatively in the society. but the reality is they can improve your brain
> so if you play chess for fun, fine but if you play it thinking it's going to improve your cognitive abilities sorry for u

Also from the article:
> What none of these news reports tell you is that brain shrinkage can be a good thing.

Deal with it. Small brain doesn't mean bad.
Chess can make you much better at countless things: math, music, writing;
chess is mainly spacial logic, but it is also visualization, plenty of math, and there is art in it as well.
Nobody is gifted smartness, either. Chess does make you smart. Better decision making, improved thinking, thinking of the future, reaction time improves in case you play too much bullet.
Chess can help calm down your brain or 'boost' your day so you can study better.
@ Mala921 said in #5:
> Chess can make you much better at countless things: math, music, writing;
Yeah, I've noticed that I am writing every letter like an "L" after moving the Knight and like an "I" after moving a pawn.
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