
Status of team tournament list

Right now there's a bug with displaying tournaments on the team page. It will be fixed by next restart, tonight at 3AM UTC.

Starting tomorrow, tournaments will be displayed on a team page if:
- the team leader created the tournament
- the team leader has joined the tournament
Thanks for the update, thibault, already improvement.

However i organize 130 teams in 13 battles with 1500+ players 2x a week which i all create for them, those teams will still not see the team tournaments because it is very unlikely that all team leaders of 130 teams join the event :(

In Swedish leagues, there are also 40 teams in 4 team battles and in other countries there are also other team battles.

Their captains or players still can't find out about the upcoming tournaments :/

Would you consider the last version that existed before? I think the version before with unwanted team battles was a minor problem compared to that.

You can't be allowed to force your tournament on any team page you want, just because you invited them without the leader consent.

Now team leaders have a way to express consent to advertise a team battle on their team page: by joining it. They don't need to actually play it, just join it to show they know about it and approve it.
Hi @thibault!

Thank you for the update, but I also disagree that this is a good solution.

What about battles of junior teams, where all the team leaders are not juniours? I have already got lots of questions from these teams about what happened to the tournament and how they can find them now.

This is really a strange fancy solution. Was it not much easier and user-friendly to let the team captain decide whether to display or not the battle on the page?
My solution is simpler technically, and doesn't require additional storage or UI elements.

For the edge case of junior team battles, you can always resort to mass messaging the members, since I added that feature last week.
The amount of unwanted team battles was very low compared to that, there are only very few creators who do that.

All the team captains of my 130 teams asked me to join my events, not the other way around. If they don't want to play anymore, i immediately remove them from the team battles, there was no abuse anywhere so far.

To force a team leader to join a tournament which they cannot, is in my opinion not a good requirement for following reasons:
1.) There are youth leagues, in which team captains are adults (therefore adults are not allowed to join kids tournaments)
2.) Team captains often don't play by themselves because they have to organize their teams
3.) Team players ask around everywhere, where they can play because they cannot find it in their team menus because team captains are not online 24/7 and don't join created tournaments immediately - the flow of information completely gets lost here.
4.) Rating restricted tournaments - by definition there are also rating min. or rating max. which leaders can not join by definition of the team tournaments.
It might be simpler technically, but as a result the amount of players in all those team battles will decrease by a lot and people are not informed at all about upcoming tournaments.

Imagine following scenario if a team leader of a team of 500+ or even bigger team (amount of size doesn't matter, just to underline what i mean) is offline for a few days, then 500+ players are not informed about an upcoming tournament. Lichess doesn't have the players in their tournaments, organizers will get a lot of questions by teams and the players are not informed.

Regarding the PM feature to all: not every team captain wants to remind / spam his players, especially if there are lot players. The problem with PM feature increases, the more active a team is in a team battle.
Example: if your team is active on Lichess and plays 1 team battle per day or even more, it has to remind a lot and team captain has to send a lot PM mass and has a lot of additional work.

Also team captain has to be active and has to send PM to all, otherwise players are not informed.
I have a solution in between , preserving the idea of @thibault which is displaying only the teams that the leader has agreed on (joined the tournament) or created , and the idea of the mass which is showing all the tournaments , you can restore the previous settings but add an option for the leader to delete a particular tournament from the team page, that way your philosophy is still applied and creators of tournaments dont have to PM all the leaders and wait for confirmation (because in my honor experience , its very horrible and stressing)
Thank you
Hello :)
As a team captain, i would prefer the team battles to be displayed on the team page directly (with the option to remove my team from a team battle) instead of having to join the team battle as a team captain. I don't have time to play or join any team battle that is upcoming and the more team battles we have, the more likely i will join any of them.

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