
Please improve board themes!

imo, the contrast is to high between the background (very dark) and the playing board (bright). When the eyes travel back and forth from board to the text, they must continuously be making an adjustment which can lead to eye fatigue.
It looks quite "handsome" but maybe you havn't made this consideration. The white text on the very dark background in the 3rd pic also demonstrates this.
It's the "opposite" of the default with a light background and dark text. I'm sure many will like it.
Before of this, my favourite color was the dark theme of lichess with Maple board :-O

Now seems better, and the contrast is a lot comfortble compared to dark theme :)

Sure, if you like "very light" themes, this is not for you :)
I forgot to mention that in board images, all squares must actually be *square*. Like, exactly. By the pixel. Or else the overlays will be off.

I contacted Andrei from mtmwood, he is a woodworker that makes end grain chess boards (among other things), and I think the guy is truly an artist.

Check out his maker videos at

He would be willing to send us high res images of his boards.

Not sure if / how these could be used on lichess.

I for one would love to use his maple / purpleheart board as my lichess board (

I have no commercial relation with mtm, i just found his videos on youtube and love his work :)

Thibault, where can I find the technical specs for board layouts in terms of pixel sizes etc?

Cheers, Chris
Thanks to you :)
Honestly the wood is not mine, but is free and perfect for lichess if you like dark themes :)

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