
New update is not good

What was good about the previous "Current Games" view was knowing the game time control before you click on the game to open it.

Games with a sudden death time control are not anywhere near as useful to me as ones where the players have a chance to keep thinking and playing real chess during the endgame. Now you have to weed through the games one by one to find out if any have a useful increment
I have a Twitch Id of "ChessKibitzer2020" for good reason - I spend a lot of time watching chess (in addition to playing) and I am a big fan of increment.

I want to watch a game that will end with the proper conclusion, i.e. someone winning because they played better, either they checkmate their opponent (or win with a variant ending like giving 3 checks) or their opponent resigns in a hopeless position.

What I do not enjoy are flagging contests, whereby a player wins simply because they were able to move the pieces faster and their opponent's flag fell.

Therefore when I pick the games, I want to pick those with increment - often a variant. Unfortunately with variants I can't filter further to the time control that I wish to watch. But even if I pick "rapid" as the time control to watch from your current menu (which means watching regular chess) I may get a 10+0 game, which I would prefer not to if it's going to end with a flagging contest.

By all means keep the time remaining as you watch, but I can't really check easily if the clock goes back up when they play a move, please just squeeze in the initial time control in there.
I too like the update, the only thing I would suggest in addition is to have the time control at the top of the board (above everything else, including the player names/ratings/time remaining).

Would be nice to have a little pulldown menu somewhere around there that would allow you to see other types of games or time controls, though that might be more trouble than it is worth with most people preferring to watch regular chess..
i would want more variants in lichess such as kung fu chess,Double chess,Infinite chess and many more

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