
New update is not good

Lichess updated its' Current games' view .what do u think about this .i think its not familiar previous was best.
It's ALWAYS better before.
If there's one thing I learnt from user feedback, it's that Lichess only got worse with every change, since the very beginning of the server. Every single time.

Sorry, I just can't help myself, I must fix what is not broken, and make Lichess worse and worse. It's been going for years and there's no telling how bad it's going to become. Dog help us all!
#3 I would certainly say that lichess was better before! It's so worse now that I don't want to play! I wonder how people stand it!
Level 10 IRONY ALERT!!!
I feel sorry for programmers/web devs whenever this happens. If the "better before" crowd had their way, we'd all be runing Windows XP and Internet Explorer with 512 MB of RAM, blissfully unaware of what might happen if things actually changed for the better. Touchscreens definitely wouldn't be a thing either. That's not to say that all change is automatically good, rather it's better to try it for a bit and then pass judgement.
@SKRRSK I wonder why thibault would update lichess?

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