
New update is not good

I added clocks and game results to the real-time mini-boards. It's a bigger change than it seems, so there are still bugs lurking, but I'm working to iron them out.
make sth. more modern, better and/or up to date.
"security measures are continually updated and improved"
modernize · bring up to date · bring into the twenty-first century · renovate
"If the "better before" crowd had their way, we'd all be runing Windows XP"

Are you nuts? Windows XP was a disaster, it was way better before, with Windows 3.1
I like the new update though! You can view game clocks without going to the game directly,and it is possible to spy on my friends games without them noticing me lurking :)
Also did you see: when you enter the correspondence game the other coreespondve games displayed below look different as well
Innovation Can Be Difficult, Not Always Good, But Innovation Is Necessary And The Main Purpose Of Innovation Is Satisfying
The Users
I'm giving an example;
Windows 8 is Newer Than Windows 7, But 7 is More More Better Than 8.
Even, 10 Is Not Better Than 7 I Think.
@thibault Continue To Your Innovations, Because Good Innovations Come Out By Learning From Bad Ones.

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