Is lichess worth to be backed up? If it had gone forever the world could be either the same or better.
@Hanniballectr said in #61:
> Is lichess worth to be backed up? If it had gone forever the world could be either the same or better.
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we?
> Is lichess worth to be backed up? If it had gone forever the world could be either the same or better.
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we?
thibault I lost my 8 win streak pls help (they have 29 moves in this game,refresh the page for look the problem because i lose in 20th moves but i mate in 29th)
thibault c quand j'ai fini d'ecrire ce texte que je me suis souvenu que tu parlais francais merci
thibault c quand j'ai fini d'ecrire ce texte que je me suis souvenu que tu parlais francais merci
I know the feeling! When I was a rookie Unix programmer back in the day before decent version control systems (at least, we didn't use one at that stage - I think we got one right afterwards!!!), I managed to do a rm -r . and delete the entire development source that 6 developers were working on! This was a lot. I worked for a major manufacturer of mobile telephone networks and this was the source code for all the network management software for configuring base stations, handovers between cells etc for GSM networks! I remember that terrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized what I had done and one by one, the rest of the team piped up with "WTF! All my code is gone!" and turned around to see me breaking out into a massive sweat!Thank goodness we had some sort of backup running hourly, so we only lost about 45 minutes of work plus the time to restore, but I never lived that down!!!
@F-35_Raptor said in #58:
> during this time I defeated magnus 10 times, what a pity it didnt get saved
I defeated Stockfish, Magnus, Lance, You F-35 and all GMs on lichess on a simul What a pity it wasnt saved
I also LOST to stockfish by a PAWN mate down 103 Points of material
> during this time I defeated magnus 10 times, what a pity it didnt get saved
I defeated Stockfish, Magnus, Lance, You F-35 and all GMs on lichess on a simul What a pity it wasnt saved
I also LOST to stockfish by a PAWN mate down 103 Points of material
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Where are my matches? I keep playing and games still aren't saving. The saves remained at two days ago. It's not just data loss limited to a specific period of time. The program that saves games no longer works.
Clarification and description of the bug after further investigation.
If you click on "View The Games" the last game viewed was two days ago. If you then click on "Games, Rated, Wins, Losses, Draw" then you can also see the last games actually played, even a few minutes before. So the save happens, but in the first instance "View the Games" does not show the games played in the last two days.
Greetings and thanks.
If you click on "View The Games" the last game viewed was two days ago. If you then click on "Games, Rated, Wins, Losses, Draw" then you can also see the last games actually played, even a few minutes before. So the save happens, but in the first instance "View the Games" does not show the games played in the last two days.
Greetings and thanks.
The lichess player database is very important in the world of chess, in Chessly, Levy Rozman, who is normally one who supports, refers to the lichess database a number of times in suggesting what players are likely to play against you in openings.
I've also seen some on chessable courses refer to this.
I've also seen some on chessable courses refer to this.
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