When I pressed there, they told me to leave an appeal, but there's nowhere to type or press anything, so how do I appeal the decision then?
It has been removed because that’s what they all say.
here is example
@Sarg0n said in #2:
> It has been removed because that’s what they all say.
so basically they forced player with too high differences from timed variants to say "I cheated" and make a new account, which is against their own ToS? weird.
> It has been removed because that’s what they all say.
so basically they forced player with too high differences from timed variants to say "I cheated" and make a new account, which is against their own ToS? weird.
It is not only the rating. Although your <1400 bullet while having >2200 blitz is extremely suspicious.
This alone will not lead to account closure. They look also at the actual games, move times and so on.
This alone will not lead to account closure. They look also at the actual games, move times and so on.
Most of us have no idea. We have never been on that part of the site. We really do not use any kind of assistance.
Someone asked in #1:
> When I pressed there, they told me to leave an appeal, but there's nowhere to type or press anything, so how do I appeal the decision then?
Once you click on "I deny using external assistance", the text box takes a few minutes (2-3) to appear. Wait for that time, and then write your appeal in the text box there.
> When I pressed there, they told me to leave an appeal, but there's nowhere to type or press anything, so how do I appeal the decision then?
Once you click on "I deny using external assistance", the text box takes a few minutes (2-3) to appear. Wait for that time, and then write your appeal in the text box there.
How to instal irwin?
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