
Whos better? Chess24, lichess, or

Which one is better? Do the captcha to answer to this topic!
Reason: cuz Lichess has horsey :)
Chess com does have a better premove system, but its not enough for me to change over there
Even if Chess•com allows to multi-premove, doesn't it reduce a second for each premove??
mohow thats not even close to true, I think u just got embarrassed by and 800. And even so they just have different rating systems it doesn't mean anything. The strongest players on lichess are as good as And needs to pay people to play there. The tournaments on lichess are far better, so are the studys, puzzles, UI, variants, and the people are better. And its free!
I use both and lichess. has some things that are better (premove system light-years better than lichess, more puzzles options, hosts a lot more top-tier tournaments, etc), lichess has some things that are better (smaller user base is the biggest one, so that the servers are less likely to crash under the load). Chess24 is just dumb. :P
@mohow8600 what you mean is that you got beaten by an 800 on and your provisional rating is around 1500 here.

Eric Rosen is rated 2590 on blitz on and 2469 on lichess. What does that say?

(hint: absolutely nothing)

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