
Whos better? Chess24, lichess, or

this type of thread is the worst. Seriously, what answer do you expect??? if they thought or chess24 was better why would they be here? are you too lazy to see this is obviously gonna be biased towards lichess
Lichess Is so much better than any for regular games for puzzles and variants, and I personally never used chess24
<Comment deleted by user>
My favorite pic whenever this topic is brought up

Also you can google lichess vs vs chess24 instead of making useless forums about this topic daily.
I for one really don't know why this useless comparison turns into a pissing contest. Pick one, pick both - whatever you want. Comperisons like this ongoing one is in fact utter useless. No one is going to profit here. Nuff said.
this type of circlejerking is the worst. reminds me of when redditors would harass and bully a kid because he preffered fortnite over minecraft. just freaking pointless and completely stupid

(tl,dr: stop being childish)
One is not allowed to make these types of threads on .
Furthermore , Why waste money or watch ads if everything better is here for free
#18 did you even read what i said? some people prefer

this. circlejerking. is. stupid. and. pointless.
Loooooool chess***com once stole my money
Like tjis i got membership and in forums i posted about well storm and their thoughts then my account got closed i contacted the modes and they never replied so
Ili lost my money
Chess***com supports cheating
Chess24 is kinda crunchy but has a lot of great videos to learn from

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