
When do you accept takeback requests?

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The game is on the board. People will play, each in their own way. All of the insult or lack of respect is in your own mind. To think of someone as an 'asshole' is likewise just a thought in your own mind, not an objective fact. Each of us has our own definition of what an 'asshole' is.
Play the game on the board, or not, as you choose. Chess is not a word game.
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I don't understand th3darknight. I looked at the game and just saw two people playing chess. Where's the asshole?

There are plenty of assholes who abuse you on the site... but anyone who just plays a legal move is simply another player.
MsCaroKann: So let me get this straight:

Opponent fails to notice a threat and gives away knight for free.
They ask for takeback.
You deny them.
Now they should resign since they have lack of respect for your skill and time?

I don't know how others see that, but for me...

I'd have to resign vast majority of games I play if I did resign on blunders, nor do I ask for takeback every time I blunder - my typical game has usually between 3 and 6 of them.

I do not lose the vast majority of games I play. Of course, sufficiently good players wouldn't blunder away/back pieces and would catch every pawn I try to pass so it should always come down to I lose against such, even if they made multiple mistakes afterwards.

But if you are good enough to not blunder you shouldn't* be playing opponents who are so vastly beneath you anyway, what do you expect when challenging a player half a thousand points below you?

*If your goal is interesting games or challenging games.

Anyway, on my own opinion on takebacks: Unless I like the person, if the takeback asked for is for a single move that would be pointless and bad sacrifice of a piece(or more) for nothing (like say Nc4 Bxc4), I allow it. I don't generally ask for them myself in most situations even when it gives away a piece for free either, because leading to that situation is also in part opponent's skill, and the situation isn't unsalvagable - getting back from a lost position is also important. Not to mention pride and hubris, cannot forget them.

Casual without time control games I let the opponent take back sequences and for pawn too, though.

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