
When do you accept takeback requests?

I hate takeback. I've never asked for it, ever. I get asked by others ALL THE TIME though, and I find it hard to say no. I agree that the takeback button should be an account preference.

RE increment... it seems to me that there are extreme players both ways on lichess: the 30 +30 folk and the 0 +1. I always think 8-15 mins is a nice length for a game of chess. Between gin and tonics.
Clear mouse slips only.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. Kf1 [takeback accepted]
When an obvious beginner makes a very dumb mistake; as one would do when playing any game with a child.
"But if I'm not having fun at all because my opponent is playing like an asshole I'll not let them take anything back even if it's a really obvious mouseslip. At that point I'm just happy if the game ends."

I do wonder what it means "to play like an asshole" in chess :D

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