
What type of chess set do you use?

Pick the right set to reduce the lag to think and to increase your reaction time. If you do not want to camouflage the chess pieces on a chessboard, it is important to mix the system web color schemes well. Picking a web color palette, that can help easily recognize the chess pieces apart from the rest of the cluster of squares and pieces is important.

The shape of the chess pieces must be quickly recognizable. The most familiar ones will help automate the speed in which they become recognizable. When playing over the chessboard, some players prefer their own chess pieces to gain a small edge in speed recognition. This is why chess tournaments use a standard recognizable chess set for everyone.

On this site I like the chess set that has round dots for pawns. It would have been nice to see the names of the chess pieces when we go to select a set to play with. It would also have been nice to have numbers to the type of sets we use on this site. People could then say they use example #5 board with #3 chess pieces the most. Or use 3D to view a game and 2D to play.
blue and white chessboard and chess set number 6 just wonderful pieces
What is considered standard ?
By counting down the left or right lists, it will be clear and concise for my small statistical question.

The #6 is that the piece with a V or an N. The number given for the chess piece comes from the left or the right column ? Did you count down the left column only to get to number six or did you count left to right, like reading a book?

My default settings : Second chess piece down the first column (P2L), "P5R" is my second default piece choice ; The fifth chessboard down in the left column (B5L) is my preferred default choice. I believe is makes the pieces stand out.

Background - Light is my default, Dark used on occasion, Transparent, I never use because of too much clutter on my screen. I like my working space to be clear. Helps me focus on what is important to me.
Board geometry - I play in 2D ; I like to watch in 3D (Needs an option in preferences to set this up automatically.)
Board Theme - #5 left (Green board)

Piece set - The following comments are just the way I see them. As the saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Everyone should try them all out, just to see which one would fit their needs. I used the TV view while changing pieces. It helps me see them in action. I continually click back and forth with the # 5 right spacial pieces to realize how much the pieces cluttered the chess board compared to my preferred ones.
So pick the one you prefer and as you click a different piece, go back to your default preferred one before going to the next type of piece. When you find two sets that you like the most, one set will probably be more interesting to view when the pieces are moving fast on the chessboard. Click on the two you preferred to determine the one best suited for your eyes.

#1 Left, Smaller made pieces.
Right Larger made pieces.
#2 Left, Easier on my eyes (My Default);
Right not used. Too much stem, not enough of the piece head.
#3 Left, Pawns & Rook don't seem to go well with the other pieces. The other pieces only have the heads of the pieces. Pawns and rooks without the stem base might of been better.
#4 Left, Interesting pieces, pawns a bit too tall;
Right, the black pieces give a smudged newspaper effect.
#5 Left, Artful with nice details, but the details occupies my thoughts.
Right, Spacial pieces (My second default option) I like the way the pawns do not stand out more than the pieces. Helps to see the few pieces on the chessboard without directly looking at them.
#6 Left, For me the symbols are not immediately recognizable.
Right, interesting concept. It makes me think of when I copy a chess position on paper. When I do that, I circle the dark pieces, to distinguish them from the light ones.

Mixing and matching chess pieces could be fun. We could then assemble a set that we like from a list of available fonts. Example: The white king does not have to look exactly like the black king. Obviously the kings came from different countries so the crowns might not be the same.

Knowing what people like about a piece or a chessboard inspires others to create chess set.
This is what I currently use, but it changes every few days:
I like making the board size as big as possible. Otherwise, I have default brown board & merida pieces.

With a 27" monitor, I can get the board size 13" or (1.6" per square). Almost full size 2.25" squares.

#1 shows with no modifications of lichess
#2 shows 123% zoom (chrome extension), and bigger clock (script). Result is a board 235 pixels bigger (1259x1259).

No 6 when counting from up knight has a line and a square. King reminds me on brain, those bishops look so sharp and rooks fat

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