
What is your favourite response to 1.b4?

Basically I am always playing 1... c6 2. Bb2 Qb6 and white has huge problems with defending the pawn and the rentgen on the bishop. I know that's maybe not the best way to counter this, but at least interesting and very practical.
Honestly, I have never come across such an opening. I guess I would answer with D5...
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1. b4 d5 2. Bb2 Qd6! is tricky (Qxb4 as well as e7-e5). 3. b5 Qb4, too. (Oh no, I habe overlooked #5. There you go!)

1. ... d5 followed by 2. ... Bg4 is a good reply as well.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #16:
> Birmingham Gambit (c5) always!

Funny story: GM Vlastimil Hort gave a simul and he announced that he will play 1. .. c5 everywhere regardless of the white's moves. One strong young player indeed played 1.b4 and won. I lost a Sicilian KIA as far as I can remember.
@Triangel said in #5:
>(...) My general strategy against rare openings (e.g. Grob, Sokolsky) is to basically deviate from the mainlines (...)
> I had huge success with this line:
> 1. b4 d5 2. Bb2 Qd6!? 3. a3 e5
> The point is to support e5 to build a huge center. Usually, Sokolsky players play a3 to protect the pawn and then they try to attack the center with e3 and d4, but I always have f6 to support the e-pawn, so that my e-pawn always remains in the center (...)
> Qd6 is by no means the critical move, but it leads to logical play and a space advantage. Once I completed development then the static factors definitely favor Black.
Thank you very much for leaving your valuable focus! Here is a game that shows your ideas.
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@Triangel Interesting games. I'll check them!

@Caballode3cabezas said in #7:
> My preparation against 1.b4 is still lacking, but I have had some good results playing 1...e5 2.Bb2 d6 3.Nf3 a5 4.b5 Bf5.
After 1.b4 e5 2.Bb2, Stockfish 14 prefers 2...Bxb4. To be taken into account.

@Gomitaz said in #13:
> Honestly, I have never come across such an opening. I guess I would answer with D5...
Komodo 12.1.1's favourite line against 1.b4 is 1...d5 2. Bb2 Nf6 3. a3 a5 4. b5 Bf5

@Akbar2thegreat said in #16:
> Birmingham Gambit (c5) always!
Thanks for the information. I'm going to examine this gambit.

@Sarg0n said in #17:
> Funny story: GM Vlastimil Hort gave a simul and he announced that he will play 1. .. c5 everywhere regardless of the white's moves. One strong young player indeed played 1.b4 and won. I lost a Sicilian KIA as far as I can remember.
A funny anecdote!

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