
What is your favourite opening trap?

1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 c6 3. e3 g5!! And from now some of my blitz/bullet opponents are premoving Nf3, when I play gxf4, or they are going with Bxg5 and loose their piece after Qa5+ and Qxg5 next. I guarantee that this trap works in 90%, I saw even masters falling to this trick.
Other trick that works pretty much always is 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Bc5 3. d4?! exd4 4. Bxf7! Kxf7 5. Qh5-Qxc5 with very good play for white. Funny thing about that is this works even in OTB chess, had this position like 5-6 times and 100% of my opponents falls for this. Instead of 3... exd4 black should go with Bxd4! where white gambits the pawn for the initiative.
@Scastangia Wow thanks a lot. I will try this. Even if white plays Nf3 it isn't the end of the world. Black can just play e6 followed by Bd6.

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