
WFM , WGM ,WCM should be erased

@pranav1609 said in #39:
> @BorisOspasky , @chummer , @ErinYu , @FC-in-the-UK , @HemaWorst , @Ianalyse , @jesgluckner , @LaserGuy , @MasterOvFan , @Mrchess78 , @Sarg0n . sorry for pinning everyone but i thought that it would be good if everyone reads my point of view.
> actually using terms like (WGM, WIM, WFM, WCM) is not used for gender insult or gender belittling. these terms are used to provide clarity in 3 cases according to me.
> 1st case : in online mode of chess, where we are not able to see our opponent. the terms help us to know at least the basic information about them. that our opponent is of what gender.

Why on earth should it matter which gender your online opponent is? Besides, unless you play against a woman with a title, and she opts to use that title, you still don't know. Which means, in 99.99% of the cases, it's not going to help you at all, as hardly any chess player actually has a title.

> 2nd case : in some tournaments, they will provide prizes for top women players. that time it would be easy for them to sort the top women titled players in the tournament. sometimes the names might be shuffled like,
> 1. GM magnus
> 2. GM nakamura
> 3. GM koneru humpy
> 4. GM vishwanathan anand
> 5. GM hou yifan
> 1. GM magnus
> 2. GM nakamura
> 3. WGM koneru humpy
> 4. GM vishwanathan anand
> 5. WGM hou yifan
> this helps them to sort them out.

Really? You are unable to distinguish between a man and a woman, unless she has a title? What if the best woman in a tournament doesn't have a title? Does the price go to the highest woman with a title?

> 3rd : sometimes for example there might be 2 titled players with the same title and name. if one is a boy and one is a girl how do we know who is the men and who is women. at that time the terms help us to figure out and provides clarity.

What if both players are GM? What if neither player has a title?
@pranav1609 said in #39:

> 1. GM magnus
> 2. GM nakamura
> 3. WGM koneru humpy
> 4. GM vishwanathan anand
> 5. WGM hou yifan
You could not do it that way because Koneru Humpy is GM not WGM. Ever since 2002 so that is not news anymore
@Otienimous good point. I also did wonder why we see much fewer women in the top 100 than what would be statistically explained by participation bias.

However let's consider the amount of work, motivation and self-confidence that is required to reach top 100. So it would make sense that even a slight amount of prejudices, sexism, or harassment, all of which affect negatively motivation and self-confidence, would make a bigger negative difference in top 100 than globally.

More generally, the more competitive the area, the more difference can even a slight disadvantage make.
@ammuvarshan @BorisOspasky I usually don't mind downvotes, but since you downvoted my post #44, would you care to explain why, according to you, the proportion of women in top 100 is less than accounted by the participation gap?
The real sexism of this is something that no one has yet addressed and I've read all of it. And that is, so what if less women participate in chess? So what? If there's some kind of discrimination against them get rid of it of course, but beyond that why is it a big crisis?
The biggest sexism and unfairness lies in the fact that the world has become so toxically feminist that people have been brainwashed into thinking that women must have equal outcome to men in all areas of life but the same isn't true in reverse. Do we get all riled up when there are less men elementary school teachers then women? Do we make elementary schools where only men are allowed to teach? How about hospitals that only hire male nurses? Oh god forbid we should forget about that example that someone else in this topic mentioned because we really need to come up with millions of dollars of funding to create a male rhythmic gymnastics association and have that broadcast and promoted by woke journalists. But if men and women must be the same and act the same in every way why don't we see these same journalists go on big campaigns to encourage men to wear dresses and women to wear suits and ties? There must be some kind of horrible injustice behind the way we dress right?
What if, and I'm going to ask a really silly question here, what if men and women typically liked different things????????? Is the sky going to fall because I said that?
@Linspiring what you are saying would make sense in a society where males and females are treated equally and receive the same education. That is obviously not the case in our society.
Prejudices and sexism are still present in our culture, implicitly or explicitly.
Damn, talk about a dumpster fire. Morality sure isn't a given for everyone, heh ?
@Simon_ESIEE said in #49:
> Damn, talk about a dumpster fire. Morality sure isn't a given for everyone, heh ?

Nope, judging by the majority of these posts it sure isn't.

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