
Tricky openings, traps and other

@jonesmh Can't say I'm surprised. There are games with the Zilbermints and the Englund gambit in every reputable database. Gambits exist for a reason. But I still assume you see my point, don't you?
@wornaki , there are a lot of very sharp tactical players, who have very limited positional skills. I am one of them, but there are some far more extreme than me, with very strong tactics, but little positional ability. It is these players who love to play these agressive and unsure lines, even in classical time controls.
@Funkmaus Maybe some day you will spend a little time with us boring correspondence players.

We toil away in our little holes. Nobody plays opening traps, since they don't work in correspondence.

Unsound premature pawn-storms usually fail, since the defender has lots of time to find the refutation.

Just the other day I played a boring draw where both of us had zero inaccuracies, zero blunders zero mistakes - and nobody cheated.

Most games go into the endgame.
Oh well, I guess I should say "never say never" - so maybe... see you in like... 40 years :-)
I cant imagine myself playing perfect games using all allowed tools, engines, trying lines on analysis board, not being able to flag, to outcheap, to trick on tactics, to defend against dirty tricks - or to think for a day about one move.
I hope one day I will play slower time controls online (again). Not ready for them now.

"I cant imagine myself playing perfect games using all allowed tools, engines, trying lines on analysis board"

Funkmaus - I am disappointed. You should know that using an engine in correspondence is cheating and forbidden here and in most other sites like

And no, we don't think for a day about one move. We have busy lives.
I multitask chess moves in between handling work tasks. When I have a couple of spare minutes, I make a move and go back to work. Lots of people play like that.

We cannot play blitz because we get interrupted too much. (:-)
Dear @ambrooks - I am clearly aware of rules here.
I was speaking about correspondence in general.
Back then, when I was younger, I knew one person, who was playing it.
Waiting or sending a letter with a single move per postcard.
He used to set-up all his boards on his appartment - all his home was full of chessboards/positions. Scary!
There were no engines, but all help from outside was allowed.
Later, "OTB" using anything is allowed in correspondence. We have GMs rated 1800 FIDE in real life.
I didnt mean to offend you. It is just not my game. Sorry.

"We have GMs rated 1800 FIDE in real life. I didnt mean to offend you. "

LOL. I know what you mean ! I once heard about this world correspondence champion - ( I think he was named Paul Keres, but I forgot ) . He couldn't survive more than a few moves OTB, poor fellow... (:-)

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