
The Sicilian is Not Refuted!

I've read a forum claiming that the Sicilian is refuted! Isn't that stupid? Nearly every top grandmaster has played it and what is their argument???
Do you have a link to the forum post?
No I read it a long time ago, I can't find it again. Sorry :(
@Sarg0n i agree with u (I play the sicilian 99% of the time as black) but i started to not play dragon. i still think its a solid opening tho
I don't play the Dragon anymore too, I like the Najdorf more considering it's more complex. Well, as white all you have to do is push pawns but it's harder in the Najdorf lmao
There are a couple of really good books. The Dragon I & II by the greatest expert in the Dragon, Gawain Jones (real great player), Chess Developments, The Dragon by David Vigorito and Easy Guide to the Dragon by Mikhail Golubev, all those books are excelents books, also, you must search almost for every single game that they suggest in the notes, lines and sublines, because just going trough those games you going to understand deeply the plans in every Dragon middlegame. And obviously, you must to be the sharpest player that you ever know, doing tactics and training calculation a lot. Trust me, playing the dragon even at the high level (lets say from 2200 to 2600), if you know the real critical lines is black who can have more easy play. Actually is white who needs know already heavy theory to "refute" such a dubious scheme. Obviously, that only happen basically from 2400 to GM levels. But Gawain is the one who don't care and play every Dragon game to the dead :D
I play the Morra and occasionally go for the open Sicilian Yugoslav as White. I play the Sveshnikov (carlsen's favorite double-edged Sicilian) as Black. I have studied Sicilian for both sides because I think there are really good chances for both White & Black.

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