
The abysmal cheat detection just keeps getting worse.

I am now stunned with what you can get away with on this website. Playing rapid here is increasingly a really bad idea, because if they can't detect the painfully obvious ones, there is no chance they're detecting the casual cheaters.
Yes I agree, The cheating detection is set so that only those that blatantly cheat every move is caught everybody else is left alone. If one says anything they are either a sore loser or they don't know what a cheater actually is. Lichess can do better but for whatever reason refuses to do so.
Oh good, yet another thread complaining about cheating. We haven't had one of these in what, 24 hours?

BTW, one of your recent opponents who played a "perfect" game has a TOS mark now, so...well, I'll just leave it at that.
<Comment deleted by user>
Agreed Lichess has a pathetic cheat detection system, there was a time I reported a guy who was blatantly cheating and I lost to him and it took lichess 5 days too ban him so i never received my points refund.
@EloDecline said in #4:
> I give Lichess no credit for banning that account, that account should have been banned instantly after three games, not allowed to cheat on the site all day.

That account was created 7 hours ago, you reported it 5 hours ago (and you were the first report) and it was banned an hour ago. I don't know, it seems efficient to me.

> Nor does this diminish the other no less egregious accounts I've reported who are free to do as they please to this day.

It seems to me that in your "career" you reported 9 accounts for cheating and of these, 5 are banned. Of the last 5 reports you sent, 4 of these ended up getting banned. Again it doesn't seem bad to me.

We constantly improve our anti-cheat systems and recruit new volunteer moderators to help us with the workload.

However, you're absolutely free and even welcome to critique us if you feel like it and I'm sorry that we weren't able to meet your expectations.
you heard it, right? Lichess will improve the anti-cheat detector.
Still frustrating, but I've come to expect cheaters on a regular basis; let's just say that I'll never donate.
It's another case of lichess lacking seriousness, anyone looking for a serious competition should avoid this site, I know the score, its a joke around here, players taking the micky out of serious players, it's a phenomenon in the world, everyone likes to have a go at another one whether it be chess or any other interesting game.
I get the impression the operators don't care because they are just hiding their weakness
It's true that lichess and other online chess websites are an invitation to abuse serious chess enthusiasts, because of the simple methods available.
Come on play a 10 minute game otb , and the true shades of a chess player shine through, isn't that cool.
They probably only stop cheaters when they reach a certain rating barrier, and even then let a small number actually do their nonsense in the top lichess leaderboard ranks.
Lichess isn't it time to close the book, and make a fresh start, I guess not , although miracles do happen, is it so????

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