
Somebody Blocks You in Lichess Messages But Can Mention You in Lichess Forum - This is problematic

Just read in one of these trolling threads that michuk intended not to write anymore in these forums? And now this?
@Sybotes said in #31:
> Just read in one of these trolling threads that michuk intended not to write anymore in these forums? And now this?

You’re being antagonistic
Disclaimer up front - I haven't read every post in this thread (or the other recent ones that are similar), but I have seen enough to make a comment or two about how these forums operate.

First, almost every other forum I participate in has a functioning block feature. Some are better than others, but the best ones are pretty comprehensive. On those, if I choose to block a particular user, I don't see _any_ of their posts. Even their quoted text (that others post) is blocked. I'm not sure if it works both ways like on facebook, where if I block someone they also cannot see my posts. However, effective one-way blocking does enable one to eliminate sources of unpleasantness and thus reduces negative interactions that can bring down a forum. I think it would be worth adding this feature.

Second, if others want to continue to "troll" a particular member by either going into their threads and posting garbage/derailing them, or by starting threads about them, this is where moderators need to step in. Put a stop to this kind of stuff, ban offenders (temporarily at first, permanently if needed). Otherwise why even have moderators.

Third - Likes/dislikes, upvotes/downvotes. What is the purpose of this? I can see likes/upvotes to a point, but letting people dislike posts just leads to abuse. I would not mind seeing this feature eliminated completely as I believe it leads to and enhances cliquish and bullying behavior on forums.

Finally, I do not understand why users are allowed to go back and delete their posts pretty much whenever they want. This is another very strange aspect of this forum. In fact, I can't think of any other forum I've participated in where users are allowed to even edit their posts after a usually short (15 min? hour?) time. It leads to all kinds of disjointed and many essentially useless threads, and allows users to post offensive stuff to rile people up, then delete it. This should be eliminated - if a user really wants a post changed or deleted later, they can contact a moderator and make a case for it. If people know that what they post is going to stay up, they might think twice before posting.

All right, lets see how many dislikes/downvotes I can get.
I too haven't read everything (sorry to those people!), but my thoughts on this are the following:
The lichess forums, as nice as they are and as much as I enjoy posting, have been nerfed - a year ago or so it was possible to post emojis, this feature is gone. Likewise, I guess two years ago, the possibility of deleting posts had been introduced - and apparently, this was misused very early on (guess who created this thread? <comment deleted by user>). Another thing is the - at times uncertain - forum-etiquette, but that's another topic.
Now, concerning the blocking feature: It has happened to me, that some players blog you as soon as you react to their post - maybe paranoia? (I myself also once did so wrongfully, I unblocked but the damage had been done - whatcha gotta do 'bout some random person on the internet - nothing!) If you block someone, I totally get that the inbox should be closed, but I do not think that it should affect the posts - as there might be missing continuity and it would be annoying if user A decides to create a thread, user B posts, user C, D, and E post something different and now - all of a sudden - user F comes and posts the same idea user B already posted (because he blocked him) - now user C exclaims: "That's something we've already discussed", user E replies: "Why? Haven't you read user B's post", etc. etc. - now, if this is avoidable then by all means: Do it (I know of one user, whom I am not gonna name because I don't think they want to be named, who blocked me for - "no apparent reason". Since we seemingly agree on many topics, I asked why the user blocked me - and it seems most likely that he blocked me for a slow game against me - where he played as a guest - I can't remember playing against an "Anonymous" player, so that's it (to give credit though, the user clarified that he doesn't want to play against someone with a bad connection - something that is actually nice as you know where you're at) - and it is a shame, given that we both agree on many aspects of the world, but yeah).
But we should not forget: Forums, blogs, the chat and the inbox are all extras - lichess's primary (sole?) function is to provide a room to play chess, nothing else really. Though, of course, being critical of the things you like is always a welcome sign (at least I hope so).
@michuk please post correctly in the forums. This post belongs in lichess feedback. I don’t like your trolling. I would block you but your incorrectly posted posts would still show up.
@ST4RSCR34M said in #30:
> If you can’t treat others respectfully then why would you deserve to see their threads and comments? They don’t owe you their content!

Just because someone has blocked you doesn't necessarily mean that you have treated them disrespectfully.
There could be abuse, actually there WILL be abuse. I'm repeating myself but I just think it's too much power onto one individual.

> But if you comment inside someone else’s thread then they just would be able to see the thread just not your comments inside the thread.
> If someone quotes you, we’ll I guess they get to see your comment via the quote but it’s better than nothing.

I see you changed your "rules" they're less rigid, good!

But still your first sentence ("If you started a thread everyone you block wouldn’t be able to see your thread.") is too much censorship imo.
To repeat what I said earlier, this forum doesn't belong to anyone in particular.
Given that there are 10 different conversations going on here, I'm going to stop reading it.
To save everyone time from reading the previous comments. I'll make a quick summary of the main point here before I proceed. A number of people want a feature which allows one to prohibit whoever they block from commenting on their threads within the forums.
And I'm just about to address it.

This feature comes with its disadvantages as it's not ideal.
@Hitsugaya was right. It can indeed be abused.
I would like to make this as clear as possible & leave no room for misunderstanding.

You see, we live in a world where insane people dwell among sane ones..
The ill-mannered & well-mannered.
Inorder to cope with the masses there are specific kinds of things that shouldn't be in the wrong hands.
Imagine witnessing a chicken strapped up with a compact bio pathogenic weapon running down a public street with people all around, letting out the infectious agent into the open air before it dies due to the poisonous agent.
As you can imagine, only an ill-intentioned individual would equip a goddamn chicken with such a weapon. This weapon was in the wrong hands.

Now, this forum-blocking feature is a type of weapon that can be misused.
And the pen right next to my keyboard is a type of weapon that can be misused. I most certainly will not want to shove it up your - yeah

So, this forum-blocking feature can be misused on a large scale.
For instance, imagine a world where lichess actually implemented this feature, and person X creates a thread about a certain topic claiming something is true or factual, and then person Y shows up and expresses their disapproval along with a logical explanation of whatever the case may be. Here there is a chance that X would either realize that they were wrong or block Y (with that feature) —prohibiting Y from commenting on that thread & future threads of theirs, so to speak.

In that world, X has the power to forbid anyone from saying anything publicly via their threads (which covers a particular topic which everyone should be entitled to hear)
X could preferably block those who simply disagree with them, which can bear in-depth consequences that can involve the possibility of forbidding someone trying to give positively-impactful statements that can positively influence people.

In that world, people like you will use this feature on trolls only which is okay. Others may not use it for its intended purpose.

Hence this feature should not be implemented (in our world). Otherwise this community will face a foreseen problem.

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