
should people be polite or just leave?

I guess the polite thing to do would be to congratulate your opponent when they beat you, and that usually happens OTB with a at a minimum a nod and a hand shake. On the other hand losing can be painful, so when someone quickly and silently leaves I chose to not find it disrespectful but to empathise with them.

The winner should have * sportsmanship * and type gg, first.

But, I watch high rating games and I've never seen them say hi, gl, hf, or gg.
I find nothing disrespectful or impolite about just going one's way without any obligatory words. I don't say that stuff. I think my good will and appreciation should be assumed without any need to express it.
I especially don't like the trite "hallmark card" formulae. If a game truly has been exceptional, I may send a message, but mostly it seems unnecessary and troublesome and doesn't mean much to me.
I'm genuinely sorry if my practice irritates or disappoints you or others.
It's like when I hold a door for someone, and they feel obliged to say "thank you." I don't need the thank you. I was holding the door because it was the decent civil thing to do, and I don't need thanks, and the person should expect that I will hold doors for them.
For a humorous take on this subject, find the Lenny Bruce routine, "Thank You, Masked Man," which someone made into a little comic cartoon movie. The Lone Ranger explains why he never waits around for people to thank him. It expresses my idea.
I've installed the script in Tampermonkey but it doesn't work, i've tested it with a resignation and a loss in bullet games but nothing appeared in the chat.
If anyone can share their expertise that would be awesome :)

Why is it civil to hold the door? For most, people, phatic language is the civil thing to do, however: what is a sufficient level of it, may vary widely from country to country, or region to region (and language to language).

That is to show the diversity of human experience. What you hold inside as expectations and values may differ, from others, or may be the same, yet be expressed differently and perceived as not being there. Only when confronted to different common practices (or common senses) can we be made conscious of those differences (in communications or beliefs).
Should people just play or chat somewhere else?

Don’t bother others with your attitude.
And doing not? It‘s quite uncomfortable and distracting on the mobile. I just want to play.

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