

How do you explain a 1000+ lower rated player (than you or someone)winning against a 2000+ player? Hmmm....What statistics can you dig up from the web to explain that?
I will speak for myself only. I can't be matched against 300 points lower than my ratings. I really don't care about ratings gain or tatings .loss. Nor do I join Tournaments. I enjoy Multitasking. I watch K-pop, browse Social Media, read and reply to messages. read and post in forums while playing Live chess. If I commit a silly blunder, it's not intentional.
The answers to both of your questions : @Aiden_Chen
To maintain a low profile, until it's needed in a Tournament.

It's like asking for a Bye on the first round. The next few rounds are easier. Drawing a round helps to reduce the stress of having to fight your way to the top, but sooner or later, this safety bag will not help. Obviously it's impossible for a baby (age wise) to be an adult, so it's also impossible for a beginner (experience wise) to be an expert. Look at the graph of a player and see if they play better than a chess prodigy child. If so, be aware of their potential. There is a min time to reach 800, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200. It's not done in a week, month or year. Some players aptitudes stand out beyond a chess prodigy. These players need to take their time to reach higher ratings, like taking a few years to reach mastery. Then they can explain how they did it.

The only way to avoid under inflated ratings, is to maintain an active rating.
A provisional rated player should only play in the category limited tournaments, example ≤ 1600. Not the open rated ones that does not have a rating limit. The open rated tournaments should never permit a provisional player to play in that open category.

Once a player has proven their skill level, example 1600 in a limited category tournament, then their profile ID should indicate it. Example: Class C player. It sould show up in the same place where others see, Cheat labels or Broke TOS labels.

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