

Hi everyone,
There are so many sandbaggers in lichess and other chess websites. Often you will see a lower-rated player like 1600 beating 2000+ players and sometimes even titled players, why do they do this and what good will it bring them?
sounds like computer cheating but could be sandbagging for sure. Either way you can report games like that that don't seem right and they will be looked over.
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I feel ya. I can barely make it to 1700 on cheese dot com, but have a 2100+ rating here.
I have run into quite a few 'strong' low rated players on both sites.
Look at my best and worst wins and losses. I lost to a 1300 but beat a 2500.
Logically, a much lower rated player below 2000, should not be able to beat anyone above 2000.
Either these players are geniuses at times, or are using 'help'.
I have a loss to a 900 player in a bullet game. My bullet rating is 1800-1900.
How is that even possible?
That player is now 1400 in bullet. Hmm....
I guess they have several reasons:

They are purposely sandbagging
They are underrated(not sandbagging on purpose)
They are cheating
They just played very well one game
Or maybe they just played a good game and their opponent did play well

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