
My team is hacked 29/9/2022

That is why i don't accept membership in some of my teams.... i also only use forum.. could lichess drop the battle stuff... i never use it... and when i see a thread with team, i won't get the curiosity to go read that thread because there would be a more precise term.

does the op team use forum at all.... it could be a place to discuss politics of the team, and hold elections.. or talk about how a village of 8400 members should behave. i did not look, might already be there. Could try many types of political power delegation... from feodal to "suffrage universel". could even make categories of people.
@thibault said in #9:
> 1. give random people permissions to manage your team
> 2. complain that your team is hacked
> 3. profit???

My team is not accessible to me because the deputy team captain never logs in

I asked for help like 2 years ago @thibault and still waiting.

Can I play tournaments while I wait for some sort of customer around here
ok.. i see the team does not have a visible forum.. from non-members point of view. So it might not have a forum...

I therefore selfishliy reiterate that there ought to be forum only teams. or also have the abilty to hide all the tournament and battle distracting stuff...

Also, maybe having a forum and some policies in it, might help with finding responsible co-admins, if that is really the problem.

Hacking claims, right from the title is a bit fast, and maybe in the wrong forum category.... the hacking is not what made me look here.. team is. This membership display problem (also appears to have no leaders anymore, but that may be setting), should have been mentioned in a feedback thread. and the hacking left to hypotheses.. if not about brewing scandal.. I know there might be title inflation in a context of low forum thread title browsing at a glance without deep clicking, and repetition of that in each of the forum categories... but title inflation, is bad slope (i know i tried that long time ago, a regret).
@dboing said in #21:
their are pretty advanced ideas, as treating real world stuffs to be applicable, that's nice.
what astonishing & infected me with hilarious laugh is when i think about the situation, the kicker must have typed all 8 thousand & 4 hundred members of the team by hand & selecting them one by one putting their names on kicking process.
its like the "death note series" if u ever watched it.
@MohammedElasha said in #26:
> their are pretty advanced ideas, as treating real world stuffs to be applicable, that's nice.

Thank you. Maybe i went a bit far. in the choice of words. And yes why not behave as if there was some degree of social reality, even if online, and digitally crippled dimensions of mutual communication, or written expression limitations.

maybe I should be replacing power with responsibility w.r.t. to team administration tasks (basically for forum, it is about thread editing powers, and whole team settings, including inviting more co-admins.. This is not really leading...

So there might have been some allegory part in my choice of words.. But why not.. think like that.. how we behave here, might be virtual, but whose to say that is still not part of our real life. It is still tapping on our personalities, maybe some biases due to anonymity allowing excessive outburst to be with less immediate consequences...

I think with huge teams, specially centered around tournaments and battle keywords, having a place to allow some cooperative behavior might have made such thing less likely. if all of this is true..

I doubt someone would have the stamina to do what you made precise consequence of the co-admin gone rogue hypothesis. Possibly why the op went straight to hacking. But putting this in the wrong forum category, and me having no way to know if such a huge number is possible, kind of also raises the possibility of this being a stunt for team membership inflation.

There is a legitimate policy, lichess one, about not advertising, with the spirit, I think of not allowing spamming inflation, and popularity contest about teams and view statistics. Because of past abuses.. Such speculative behavior based on influence statistics, are not what lichess is striving to promote, as far as i understand, and approve... And the way this is presented by op does not allow eliminating that possibility.

I think this explains thibault questions..... There could be bets and actual money involved, if i understand some things i read or heard about the reasons for limiting social media mechanisms and their run away excesses. But even if people are not about profiting with money, it is still a possibly greedy game of influence. Still not something contributing to a constructive atmosphere in the forum.

I got too serious.. Not aware of that series, though. Yes, it seems like there is some fiction involved.
Do not ping Thibault every time your teams "hacked"! :facepalm. report the person you suspect under other or try e-mail, here in a help forum, or discord support without pinging mods. If they can someone will look into it.

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