
Lets start a protest

Most players are hopelessly overrated. This should become worse?
disagree :C theres no point getting half a puzzle correct
Also, in a game, if you capture a rook, or a queen, or get way ahead in material or Stockfish evaluation, but then you miss something and get checkmated, why can't you get partial credit for the good moves you made? Why does it always depend merely on whether you won the game?
How did OP manage to type that without shot circuiting his laptop with his cascading tears? What’s he going to do, scream and scream and scream until Lichess gives in, like some spoilt brat who can’t have a bag of sweets? Diddums. If he was my kid, he’d get something to cry for and a couple of hours in his room with no toys to reconsider his attitude..
@KnightDragon728 said in #29:
> First of all....
> How are we going to do the protest to tell
> What are we going to say if we get in trouble?
> When are you going to type significantly right?
> Why do we need credit for puzzles?
> And there is a lot more questions on my list right here.
@KnightDragon728 said in #29:
> First of all....
> How are we going to do the protest to tell
> What are we going to say if we get in trouble?
> When are you going to type significantly right?
> Why do we need credit for puzzles?
> And there is a lot more questions on my list right here.
@KnightDragon728 said in #29:
> First of all....
> How are we going to do the protest to tell
> What are we going to say if we get in trouble?
> When are you going to type significantly right?
> Why do we need credit for puzzles?
> And there is a lot more questions on my list right here.
@KnightDragon728 said in #29:
> First of all....
> How are we going to do the protest to tell
> What are we going to say if we get in trouble?
> When are you going to type significantly right?
> Why do we need credit for puzzles?
> And there is a lot more questions on my list right here.
Listen to this guy.
@VITAMIN321 said in #1:
> Lichess never gives you partial credit for getting part of the puzzle correct. That's why People's lichess puzzle ratings are significanly lower than their rating. So lets start a protest that lichess has 2 options: 1. remove the puzzles rating thing. or 2. start giving partial credit for puzzles.
yes i agree
i take a free rook ad puzzle thingy like
@Sacmaniac said in #5:
> Yes, I agree that is outrageous that we are not awarded anything for partial correct moves.
> I also think we should get a participation point for every game that we lose because losing hurts my feelings a lot
> If a person is rated higher than us it's our right to not have rating points deducted too because it makes me feel like a loser.
> Why do we need to keep score at all, can't we just all be winners?
> Why can't we just make up the rules and change the goal posts to suit my moods?
> And what is taking those slackers at Lichess Control so long to get on this task, I've already lost 3 games of bullet in a row.
@Sacmaniac said in #5:
> Yes, I agree that is outrageous that we are not awarded anything for partial correct moves.
> I also think we should get a participation point for every game that we lose because losing hurts my feelings a lot
> If a person is rated higher than us it's our right to not have rating points deducted too because it makes me feel like a loser.
> Why do we need to keep score at all, can't we just all be winners?
> Why can't we just make up the rules and change the goal posts to suit my moods?
> And what is taking those slackers at Lichess Control so long to get on this task, I've already lost 3 games of bullet in a row.
@Sacmaniac said in #5:
> Yes, I agree that is outrageous that we are not awarded anything for partial correct moves.
> I also think we should get a participation point for every game that we lose because losing hurts my feelings a lot
> If a person is rated higher than us it's our right to not have rating points deducted too because it makes me feel like a loser.
> Why do we need to keep score at all, can't we just all be winners?
> Why can't we just make up the rules and change the goal posts to suit my moods?
> And what is taking those slackers at Lichess Control so long to get on this task, I've already lost 3 games of bullet in a row.
@Sacmaniac said in #5:
> Yes, I agree that is outrageous that we are not awarded anything for partial correct moves.
> I also think we should get a participation point for every game that we lose because losing hurts my feelings a lot
> If a person is rated higher than us it's our right to not have rating points deducted too because it makes me feel like a loser.
> Why do we need to keep score at all, can't we just all be winners?
> Why can't we just make up the rules and change the goal posts to suit my moods?
> And what is taking those slackers at Lichess Control so long to get on this task, I've already lost 3 games of bullet in a row.
i agree thumbs up.... btw thumbs gets me any points?

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