
Is your fide rating 1800-2000?

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1804. :)

Although I expect to lose some points in the next update.
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My equivalent FIDE rating (according to a rating converter shared by someone here long back) is roughly some below 1400.

And @MrPushwood would definitely have equivalent rating in that range or maybe even greater!
@williamxp said in #13:
> liches 1800 = average 1600 elo fide
> lichess 2000= average 1800 elo fide

That means I can officially consider myself a 1800 FIDE. So exciting. I feel like...
well just like a 1800. If it's that what I feel. I dont know, I have never been that before. Is it what this feels like?
This is all so confusing. Am I? or not?
Help me Descartes!

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