
Is Magnus Carlsen greatest of all time ?

We all know that Magnus Carlsen is a very dangerous player. Please tell me is Magnus greatest of all time?
It's really hard to compare generations.
Our generation has the advantage of computers.
Fischer and Morphy couldn't run their games by stockfish.
Kasparov mostly played while computers were in their infancy. He didn't have the tools Carlsen had.
Let's see how he does in the upcoming Fischer Random tournament.
Ok Ok it's 1897 ... ALL the "Greatest of All Time" Chess players are born at the same time in my scenario . Then who would win NY 1924 ? All would be 27 years old at the tournament ? Is Peak' performance what we are measuring only here as well ? @AYANSHURAJ Or what if they were ALL born today ? then in 2050 they would meet in various Matches ?
Strongest of all time, I'd say Carlsen.

Greatest of all time, I'd say Kasparov.

Most talented of all time, I'd say Morphy or Capablanca.
Tournament between the following players in their primes:

@ThunderClap said in #4:
> Ok Ok it's 1897 ... ALL the "Greatest of All Time" Chess players are born at the same time in my scenario . Then who would win NY 1924 ? All would be 27 years old at the tournament ? Is Peak' performance what we are measuring only here as well ? @AYANSHURAJ Or what if they were ALL born today ? then in 2050 they would meet in various Matches ?

In this scenario, I would say Fischer, Kasparov or Carlsen. I'd bet money on Fischer. But that only assumes they were all born in 1897 and played in 1924.
Kasparov, Fischer and Carlsen. I think Kasparov comes first.
He is the best of his era....

Divide the chess eras and you pick your best form that era...this is how it works....not ALL time...

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