
Is chess damaging to one's mental health?

@KKevinW I have some pretty wild dreams, but I have no idea what you are talking about.
Sending a whole page of wikipedia on "logic" proves the coincidence of madness and chessaphilia
"There are more things under heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Hamlet

@hash11011 I have seen some articles suggesting that chess could help with ADHD, but I am more impressed with how many chess players suffer from ADHD. What's that all about?
@hash11011 has there been any updates on that study? The only results I can find on google are either from 2015 saying how it needs to be tested further with more people or forum posts.
i thought tal always had health problems, his entire life??? i assume made significantly worse by 'heavy drinking and smoking' which i wasn't aware of..... anyway, he looks perfectly sane here, actually.

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