
Is checkers a more strategic game?

No.....chess can have 32 maximum pieces on the board at one time - 24 for checkers. As far as piece type, chess has 6 and checkers has 2. Multiplying 24 by 2 only means something if you multiply 32 by 6. Also, pawns can promote.


Also, for post #15:

Well, I don't believe there are any professional tic-tac-toe players. By your logic, tic-tac-toe is harder to master than chess or checkers.
#18 ...I don't know what the competitive world of Checkers is like today, but in the past , Checkers was taken quite seriously by the players of the day. Checkers and Chess both have their own strategies and tactics. Chess is more strategic simply because its greater complexity. There is much literature - books devoted to checkers. Being a Checker master is a prestigious title. Chess and Checkers are remarkably opposite games...Chess...all 64 squares are used..Checkers..32 squares ---Chess...white moves first..Checkers moves first--Chess..captures are optional..Checkers..captures are compulsory--Chess..only one piece maybe taken at a time..Checkers one or more pieces may be taken--Chess..the capturing piece replaces the one removed..Checkers..the capturing piece jumps over the one removed..Chess..** stalemate is a draw..Checkers..a stalemate is a loss..Chess..the pieces move in different ways..Checkers all the same way..Chess..** the pawns promote to anything but a king..Checkers..the pieces only only promote to a king..Chess..the time limit specifies a certain number of moves per hour..Checkers..the time limit is five minutes on any one move. Except for the board, there seems to be little comparison between the games. Both are worthy games. :] On Wikipedia... It describes Checkers as an "abstract strategy game" Also... It is not just a child's game.
Obviously chess is the more complex and strategic game... but Checkers is more complex than people give it credit for. There are tons of tactics, try some on I'm up to 1500 there. Draughts is a similar game played on a 10x10 board where all pieces can move forward and backwards.

I think the real debate is between Chess and Go; which of those is more strategic?
There are multiple versions of rules of checkers. The main one being that you must capture if possible. This involves much more intensive calculations then chess. In chess you could be caught in a completely dry game with nothing to do for the next 20 moves. But chess also has pieces that move differently. I would say checkers requires more brunt force calculation and deep calculation but chess is more strategic (who has the right idea) because you could technically win a game by just choosing the right strategy even if your opponent made 0 mistakes. Between chess and go, go is definitely more strategic. @jposthuma
Checkers is for noobs, kids, Trump...

By the way, I consider chess rather tactical, "Chess is 99% tactics" (Teichmann).

Most time it's just p(b)lundering instead of accumulating advantages.
#27 True,but as chess is considered as strategic game,then checkers can be called a tactical game.(I have played this game)
In checkers the main thing is to capture all opponent's pieces or reach a stalemate(it is when opponent has pieces,but no legal moves,it is considered as win,in chess it's draw).

About noobs you aren't right because there are many clever people,who know some traps in game and play it well therefore.Though,there is also some opening theory in checkers.If you blunder,then possibly opponent easily gets won position.
There are some subtle elements in every game but there's hardly any comparison to chess.

Chess is richer.

The famous philosopher Schopenhauer:

Chess stands tall than all other games like the Mount Chimborasso does to a heap of manure.

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