
If your opponent proposes a takeback after making what's obviously mouseslip, do you accept it?

It depends for me, sometimes my opponent makes an obvious mouse slip and I accept. If it is a friendly-match then I always will accept! If my opponent ask for a takeback after 20 seconds of that move then I normally never accept the takeback request (mainly because they played it too fast and then realized it was a blunder).
It makes all the sense to do so. Why would you not let a good game come to its natural conclusion?... I can only think of one reason to not accept the takeback: You want to win some rating points, to show off. But you know you do not deserve these points, right? Unless, of course, it's done in time pressure of some kind. Like, in bullet, mouse skills are a part of the game!
I always accept a mouslip
If they missed a mate/ free piece capture I decline
If your opponent lives in the kindergarten, do you join him?
I accepts sometimes but some people ask takeback simply that time i wont give
A mouseslip is very hard to see, so it's difficult to be sure.
Mice have much smaller lips than goats or rabbits.

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