
How to go from 1600-1700 to 2000?

Maybe, it would be of interest to look at:
How to Become a Candidate Master by Alex Dunne
“... [Simple Chess by GM Stean] will definitely help players in the general rating range of 1300-2000 with their positional play and strategic thinking. ...”
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach
“How to Reassess Your Chess, 4th Edition was designed for players in the 1400 to 2100 range.” - IM Jeremy Silman (2010)
@bloogrox said in #10:
> ... which books do you suggest? ...
Better Chess for Average Players by Harding
"... Irving Chernev’s The Most Instructive Games of Chess Every Played was ... originally published ... in 1965. It contains sixty-two well analyzed games, each one possessing both artistic and educational value. Now Batsford has republished Chernev’s book in algebraic format, ..."
"... The Amateur's Mind ... (for players 1000 to 1600) ..." - IM Jeremy Silman (2010)
"... The Amateur’s Mind ... is one of the best instructive books in print. ..."
"... Silman’s Complete Endgame Course ... I'm convinced that Silman's book will take its place in history as one of the most popular endgame books ever. ... He writes in a clear and casual style, and time and again has shown the ability to reach those who feel intimidated by the lofty approach that a grandmaster will often take. ..." - IM John Watson (2007)
@A-10_Thunderbolt said in #15:
> A great way to eliminate your weaknesses is to analyze and keep notes on how you lose. Ex. Tactics, positional blunders.
> Many people only focus on tactics I believe it's not the best path.
> This blog by GM Avetik Explains it perfectly

I really enjoyed reading this blog. Thank you very much for sharing it. I came on to this thread expecting to give advice, and I ended up receiving fantastic advice.
@SirSpud525 said in #1:

Looking at your Lichess activity and games :

- Stop playing bullet, it will likely destroy your chess. Bullet is reasonably fine when you are higher rated, but when your chess skills have not completely developed it is usually simply destructive. You can agree with yourself e.g. max. 5 bullet games per day, just for adrenaline and fun, and do not take the content serious at all. Develop your skills first, then speed will likely arrive over time as well.

- Play more Rapid games (but not too many. Three games per day max. is maybe a nice start) and press the Lichess Stockfish analysis button after every game. Look at the graph, go through your blunders. Use bookmarks, try to understand where your weaknesses and strengths are. Only play rated Rapid when you feel good and fit. Play casual when feeling tired.

- Focus on your game content and quality and chess progress. Higher rating does not always equal chess progress.

- Consider getting a chess coach or find chess buddies.

- You are playing corr. chess games. Excellent training tool. Nice.

- Do daily puzzles at Chesstempo (free account), 5 to 10 puzzles, take your time, and focus on learning and chess joy, not rating.

- Consider using a paper note book to write down your chess progress and your thoughts. so you can compare over time.

And remember : There is no guarantee that you will reach 2000. I suggest to set a humble goal.
For example, looking at your 1700+ peak rating for Rapid, set it 1800 in 6 months time, provided that you will daily play, study, analyse and ... rest well, as well.

Good luck & have fun !
@achja said in #17:
> Looking at your Lichess activity and games :
> - Stop playing bullet, it will likely destroy your chess. Bullet is reasonably fine when you are higher rated, but when your chess skills have not completely developed it is usually simply destructive. You can agree with yourself e.g. max. 5 bullet games per day, just for adrenaline and fun, and do not take the content serious at all. Develop your skills first, then speed will likely arrive over time as well.
> - Play more Rapid games (but not too many. Three games per day max. is maybe a nice start) and press the Lichess Stockfish analysis button after every game. Look at the graph, go through your blunders. Use bookmarks, try to understand where your weaknesses and strengths are. Only play rated Rapid when you feel good and fit. Play casual when feeling tired.
> - Focus on your game content and quality and chess progress. Higher rating does not always equal chess progress.
> - Consider getting a chess coach or find chess buddies.
> - You are playing corr. chess games. Excellent training tool. Nice.
> - Do daily puzzles at Chesstempo (free account), 5 to 10 puzzles, take your time, and focus on learning and chess joy, not rating.
> - Consider using a paper note book to write down your chess progress and your thoughts. so you can compare over time.
> And remember : There is no guarantee that you will reach 2000. I suggest to set a humble goal.
> For example, looking at your 1700+ peak rating for Rapid, set it 1800 in 6 months time, provided that you will daily play, study, analyse and ... rest well, as well.
> Good luck & have fun !

More great advice! @SirSpud525. I think spud should read some of these great posts multiple times. I was going to leave a post with advice but these other smart chess players have already done such a great job.
Thank you all so much for the advice and tips. I've read all of it, and I'm going to try to make a plan based off of what I am hearing.

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