how to counter the queen's gambit ?
There are many ways for black to respond to 1.d4 d5 2. c4. You can play 2. ...e6, Nf6, c6, dxc4, or more suspect responses like 2. ...e5, c5, g6 or Nc6. You can look at various openings in the Opening Explorer tab, google materials on responses to the Queens Gambit, or review master games against the queens gambit to see how they respond to it. Cheers!
rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/3P4/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 2
ask google
Call it by its traditional name, the Gambit of Aleppo. Then motivated to crush something that sounds like a Lawrence of Arabia movie knockoff, you will be assured of success!
As you play the Caro-Kann, I would suggest the Slav. It tends to have a similar pawn position and the themes are often the same. However they both tend to be more closed than the lower rated players are comfortable with. Once you get more knowledge, there may be a better defense, but that might not be for another 1000 rating points.
#1 - To counter the queen's gambit, you must first decline or accept it. There is a world of difference between the two. I suggest you play some games where you play both. This day and age most players decline it [QGD]. Like #7... I like to play the Slav defense against the QGD. Try them all, its the best way to learn about an opening. :]
My personal method for countering the Queens Gambit is to play the Benoni.
Hmm........Benoni or slav...........or turn d4 to nimzo indian(Nc3 forwhite........e3 to pin the knight) or queens indian(Nf3 for white.....b6) by Nf6
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