
HOW can a kind jump over a TOWER but cant jump over a HORSE???

The one of a kind King can only jump over a Rook in Chess960, if the rook started on the d or f file.
if the rook started on the c (or g) file you have to touch the king first, then move the rook out of the way, and then put the king on the c (or g) file, i believe.
It's been 2 days, and still, absolutely no one has a clue what is going on here...
HOW can a kind jump over a TOWER but cant jump over a HORSE???
HOW can jump over the TOWER to capture it because it's the opponents piece, not the same colour.
HOW can not jump over the HORSE, because it belongs to HOW... same coloured pieces.
Oh, but the King can. The King isn't the problem, the Horse is. It can't jump in a straight line and stay on the bottom rank.
u guys keep making fun of my typo in the title.Petition to change the piece "King" to "Kind". pls sign with horsey emoji

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