
HOW can a kind jump over a TOWER but cant jump over a HORSE???

i like to think of it like the king goes to his castle slams the door shut and the guard watches entry
I'm still breaking my brain over the double slit experiment and how nothing exploded into everything 14 billion years ago.
BTW ... Don't Ever Touch your rook First when Castling' to have The King jump over the "Tower" . The Rook goes around the King (or "over') So move your king Two squares First THEN the Rook ok ? @manandhyani If You touch the Rook first You have to move the Rook without moving your King so you don't get to Castle on that side anymore as you will be forced into a Rook move
srry about the mistake in the title. obviously i meant "KIND" not "king" :-)
What's a KIND JUMP or the opposite a MEAN Jump?
Please, rephrase your subject title and please name the pieces correctly, so that when things get translated, it makes sense.

How can a man jump from a tower and not jump from a horse ?
How can a man jump from a Rook and not jump from a Knight ?
How can a piece move away from a rook and not move away from a knight?
Sounds like a riddle, like the piece is on another row and just moves two squares over.
Made me think of the game called mine sweep.

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