When will FIDE online arena titles be recognized on Lichess?
@michuk What are the titles but?
@FRUSTATIONAL_CHESS They are lower rated titles offered by FIDE for online chess.
Probably never. I dont see a point in recognising online titles from other platforms.
Let alone rating that awarded for so low rated players.
@michuk Good but also too big!
@QEDemonstrandum well we already recognise FIDE titles from FIDE rated events, they are not Lichess events nor on the Lichess platform.
Those are OTB titles which are regocnised everywhere in the chess world. If you want to show of your skill online, you can do that with your Lichess rating. Also FIDE online titles are considered a scam by many (cause u have to pay for a meaningless title) and Lichess doesnt support scams :)
@QEDemonstrandum firstly FIDE online arena titles are also OTB titiles, this is not me saying it but FIDE, the FIDE online arena elos (where no OTB FIDE elo has been issued) and FIDE online arena titles are displayed in OTB FIDE tournaments.
The payment is a registration fee but there is an attainment level of 1400 elo for AFM for instance, so even if you pay you must attain this level of chess performance for 100 games or something.
Calling it a scam isn't that helpful as that so-called scam is recognized by FIDE in OTB competitions.
You recognize FIDE and USCF OTB titles why not FIDE online arena titles which are recognised by FIDE, the world governing body for Chess, or do we have higher standards at Lichess?
The payment is a registration fee but there is an attainment level of 1400 elo for AFM for instance, so even if you pay you must attain this level of chess performance for 100 games or something.
Calling it a scam isn't that helpful as that so-called scam is recognized by FIDE in OTB competitions.
You recognize FIDE and USCF OTB titles why not FIDE online arena titles which are recognised by FIDE, the world governing body for Chess, or do we have higher standards at Lichess?
I didnt know they display arena titles in FIDE tournaments nowadays, I definetly didnt see one in the past. The difference between the online and OTB titles still is, that the online titles are way easier to obtain. I still dont see the point in displaying online titles from another server at Lichess.
Like I said, if you want to show of your online strength on Lichess, you can just play on Lichess and get a high rating (whatever you consider a high rating). You obviously cant demonstrate your OTB strength on Lichess.
Like I said, if you want to show of your online strength on Lichess, you can just play on Lichess and get a high rating (whatever you consider a high rating). You obviously cant demonstrate your OTB strength on Lichess.
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